Back To School

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Last chapter was FUCKIN FANTASTICAL BISHES but like seriously I wrote a whole lot. :):):):) hope you enjoyed that cutie pie ending! ILY all xxx byeeee



I slam the door of my locker closed, sighing as I see who I'm face to face with.

"What's up, Trav?" I ask, starting to walk to class as I talk.

"Where were you on the weekend?" He asks, narrowing his eyes. "Alex and I were looking for you, but your car wasn't there and you never answered your phone."

"Compulsory visit to my grandparents," I lie, rolling my eyes. "Why? Where'd you think I was?"

"I don't know, I couldn't think of anywhere you'd rather be than with us," Travis says, grinning. "See you later."

I enter my classroom, scanning the rows for the only face I want to see today. Bingo - 2 rows back in the middle.

I flash Mitch a smile as I walk to the back of the classroom. I'm so happy to see him back at school and smiling. I know how sad he was when he wasn't attending school.

My mind wanders and I find myself thinking back to Saturday night.


"Mitchie, you've had enoughhhhh," I giggle, putting the beer away.

"Noooooo!" Mitch says, acting as if I'd shot a cat or something. "Pleeeeease!"

"Ok, Ok, one moooooore," I say, laughing as I return the beer to its previous spot.

Mitch grabs another can and drains it, adding it to the ever-growing 10 can high pile of beer cans. We've both drunk way more than we planned to, and way more than should ever be in our systems. Mitch, however, is still 20 times more drunk than me.

"Mooooooore," Mitch pleads, giggling as he sees my face.

"You... you..." I start, but end up giggling and not finishing my sentence.

"I'm a- a diva, I'm a- I'm a- a diva," Mitch sings, but it comes out more like, 'immaaa divaaaaa, imma immaaaa diiiiiiiivaaaaaaa'.

"You're so weeeeeird," I tell Mitch, falling onto the bench. I laugh so hard that my face turns red.

"I'm faaaaabulous," Mitch says. "You're crazily weird, but that's what I love about youuuuu!"

I didn't even notice what he said at the time, it didn't even faze me, so I replied with, "You're strange but really cuuuuute and that's what I loooooove about you!"

Mitch laughs and falls off his chair, landing on the ground. He giggles and gets up, running around the house. I chase him and he runs into my bedroom, throwing himself onto my bed.

I land next to him and start tickling him. He laughs, curling up into a ball in an act of defence.

I stop ticking him and we lie there for a minute, just staring at the roof. I turn my head to Mitch and find him looking at me, his gaze fixated on my biceps.

"Can I sleep over?" He asks quietly.

"Sure, Mitchie," I giggle, getting up to get changed into pyjamas.


I'm snapped back to reality as the teacher walks into the room, but my thoughts start to wander again.

Mitch said he loved something about me, and I replied with what I loved about him. Did he notice my double meaning?

I love him so much that my heart hurts I didn't know that this could happen to someone, for them to fall so in love with someone that they couldn't stop loving them even if they tried. What's worse is I'm in love with someone who doesn't even return my feelings.

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