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Mitch POV

Fuck. I can't run now - neither can Kirstie. I just want Kirstie to be safe. I don't care if people hurt me, I just care about Kirstie.

"Whatcha gonna do, kiss-ass? Gonna run to the teachers? Tell them how all the mean boys are hurting you? Gonna kiss up to them even more?" Travis - I think that's what Scott's friends name is - asks me. Less asks me and more... Tells me.

"S-stop..." I whisper, backing into the wall. "I haven't done anything today."

"Wrong," Scott says. "You made Trav look dumb in front of Jess Manley, ya know, the girl with the huge tits?" He slaps his friends arm and grins as he mentions Jess' boobs.

"I didn't say anything," I plead, my eyes starting to tear up.

"Yeah you did!" Travis says. "You corrected me when I used the 'wrong use of there' or something!"

"To be fair, you did," Kirstie whispers from the corner.

"Get her," Travis says, locking eyes with Kirstie.

"NO!" I scream. "LET HER GO! You can hurt me all you want, but let Kirstie go!"

"Fine," Scott smirks. He gestures to his friend and his friends lets go of Kirstie's arm, a visible hand print left behind.

Kirstie runs - she knows what to do. We've done this many times before, so many that it's practically a routine. Kirstie says something 'rude' and our attackers turn on her. I scream for her to be let go and they do, turning on me instead. Kirstie runs and grabs a teacher. Fight is broken up.

"Please..." I whimper, pressing my back against the wall, hoping that they won't actually hurt me.


Scott POV

"Please..." Mitch whimpers. Fuck... His voice makes me feel slightly aroused, but I can't show it.

Trav draws his fist back and plunges it into Mitch's stomach. Mitch makes an 'oof' noise and falls to the floor, clutching his stomach in pain, tears flowing down his cheeks.

"EVERYONE STOP!" Miss James yells. "CLEAR AWAY!"

She bends down to help Mitch and we run, laughing as we go past Kirstie or whatever her name is.

"Good, we taught him a lesson," Alex says, slapping Trav's outstretched hand.

"We sure did," Travis says, laughing maniacally.

Things are going to be very awkward tonight, and hopefully Miss James didn't recognise me.

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