Accidental Hand Touching

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GUYS! I'm sooooo thankful to y'all because somehow we got 985 Reads and 195 Votes?? I love y'all so much <3 xx


Mitch POV

"Ok, so now you give me your card with the answer to the black card," Kirstie instructs Scott, her brow furrowed in concentration.

"Ok, but then you'll know what I did?" Scott asks, still a little bit confused.

"No, because she'll shuffle the cards," Avi explains, pointing at the cards that Kirstie currently has.

Kevin attempts to stifle his laugh, covering his mouth and looking in Avi's direction. Kevin and Avi are getting along very well, like they were made to be friends. They go together like meat and potatoes.

"But what happens afterwards?" Alex asks. This time Kevin lets out a giggle and in return gets a death-stare from Alex.

Alex somehow wormed his way into our friendship group, announcing that he knew what was happening between Scott and I. I have no idea what he meant by that, but I let him come over to hang out one day and we just... sort of... became friends. He understands that none of us except Kirstie, Avi and I are friends outside of my home, and that in school we should treat each other as per normal. He's really gotten the hang of it, and that makes me slightly nervous.

Kirstie invited Avi and Kevin to hang out with the four of us today, and we ended up setting up 'Cards Against Humanity'. Scott and Alex have never played it before, so we're attempting to explain the rules to them as we play.

"Kirstie reads out the cards and she picks the best one," Kevin says, smiling.

"And what happens then?" Alex asks, getting slightly frustrated at his lack of understanding.

"The person who's card I choose wins the round," Kirstie says, giving him a kind smile. She lightly brushes Alex's hand with hers as she goes to grab his card from him.

Kirstie blushes and pulls her hand away quickly and immediately turns to look at me. I make eye contact with her and she shakes her head, looking down at the cards.

"I'm so glad that I got to meet your friends. They're really nice," Scott whispers, his hot breath tickling my ear. I smile and nod, acknowledging what he said but not replying. How do you reply to something like that?

"I declare this card the winner," Kirstie says, holding up one of the White cards.

"Yay - that's mine!" Alex squeals in joys, practically jumping up and down. He thanks Kirstie and takes the black card from her, still grinning.

"You're fun to play card games with," I comment with a laugh, shaking my head slightly.

"Thank you," Alex replies. "I'm going to take that as a compliment!"

We all continue the card game. Occasionally I look over to see Kirstie making intense eye contact with Alex, but she always looks away after about 5 seconds. I don't know what's happening between those two, but I don't know if I like it.

When the game finishes, Kevin and I grab everyone's cups and take them to the kitchen, talking as we go.

"Mitch, may I ask you a question concerning Avi?" Kevin asks, exceedingly formally, may I add.

"Shoot," I say, sitting down on the kitchen counter.

"Is Avi... Straight?" Kevin asks, his eyes averting mine.

"As far as I know, yes, but you'd have to ask him yourself," I say, getting down to join the others. Kevin visibly slumps and walks out of the kitchen with me, his expression a little more mellow than before.

"Oh," he says, giving me a sad smile. "Thanks for telling me."

Does Kevin... Like Avi? I'm pretty sure Avi is straight, I mean, he would've told me if he was Bi or something. Wouldn't he?

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