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Omg we reached 5k as I was on a plane (I'm currently traveling with my family)! Thank you guys so much 💕 here's an extra special chapter, just for you!


Moot Groosi POV

I stumble down the stairs to answer the door, the ringing of the bell annoying me to no end. I didn't expect guests at this point in time; it's 3am. I wonder who it could be?

I open the door to find Scott kneeling on the doorstep, his head bowed to face the ground. He doesn't say anything, just continues to stare at the doormat.

"Scott?" I ask, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Could you please take me to the hospital?" He whispers. He looks up and I see his face for the first time. It's red and splotchy from crying and covered in fresh bruises. There's a cut going across his nose, matted with slightly dry blood.

"Y-yes!" I gasp, all evidence of tiredness escaping my body. I run and grab my keys, also remembering to pull some pants over my legs and slide some shoes on. I run out of the house, closing the door behind me and not bothering to lock it. 

I pull Scott into my car and nearly break every road law trying to get to the hospital as fast as possible. Scott is clutching a hand to his face, continuously checking to see if he's bleeding.

We reach the hospital after about 7 minutes and 23 seconds - if I'm not being specific - and burst through the entrance doors. I run up to the receptionist and half-yell, half-whisper, "My boyfriend needs help!"

The receptionist - who I learnt is actually a nurse from his name tag - nods gravely and hurries us into a room. Scott is sat down on a bed and a man walks into the room to check his face.

Everything happens in a blur; Scott goes to get his nose reset because apparently it's broken, he gets checks done to make sure he's okay.

As I stare at the broken and hurt Scott, I suddenly realise how much he means to me, and when he's hurt, well, I'm hurt too.


That evening


"Okay, Mr Hoying, you're free to go home. Please come back in next week for a checkup," the nurse from this morning tells Scott.

Scott nods and thanks him kindly, shaking his hand and grinning. I thank the nurse afterwards and we head out of the hospital, clasping hands tightly.

"Don't ever scare me like that again," I tell him sternly as he gets into the car. He rolls his eyes and presses a kiss to my cheek.

"You've scared me more on multiple occasions, thank you very much!" Scott sasses, poking his tongue out and buckling up his seatbelt.

"Alright, I will admit to that. Now, would you like to tell me why you ended up with a broken nose and multiple bruises and showed up at my house at 3am?" I ask, arching my left eyebrow.

"Um... That might be a conversation for us to have when you aren't driving a car and are near a comfortable chair?" He suggests, making an uncomfortable face.

"You're coming back to my place, right?" I ask, turning to focus on the road.

"Well, I can't go home; my mum would cry if she saw me like this," he replies, grimacing and looking down at his lap.

We sit in silence for the rest of the drive, not an uncomfortable silence, but one full of love and unspoken words. We don't need to talk to enjoy each other; the company is enough.


Yeah, maybe this isn't the best celebratory chapter for 5k but WHATEVER :) Hope you enjoyed it!

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