His House

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Scott POV

I arrived at Mitch's house at 3:52pm, and decided to wait creepily at his front door for 8 minutes, ringing the doorbell at 4:03. Why was I being so precise with the time?

Mitch opened the door and just stared at me. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and I could see that he had an ice pack tied to his stomach.

"Hi," I whisper. "I brought my test paper with me."

"Good," Mitch replies, stepping sideways to let me past him.

Mitch leads me up the stair of his house - which is very nicely decorated - and we enter a room. I quickly figure out that it's his bedroom.

"Put your stuff down," Mitch says, his tone icy. It sends a small chill down my spine.

I drop my stuff on the ground, watching Mitch as he unwraps the ice pack from his waist and places it on his desk. He walks over to me and sits down on the ground, grabbing out a red marking pen.

"Let's see your test," he says, holding his hand out. I place the test in it and he draws back quickly. This is sufficiently awkward.

"I... Um... Didn't know the answer to some things..." I says, clearing my throat.

Mitch raises an eyebrow and looks up at me. "I didn't know God was an adverb," Mitch says sarcastically, glaring at me.

"You gave me difficult questions."

"We learnt that in year 10."



Mitch POV

Scott is extremely behind - he literally doesn't know stuff from 2 years ago. I don't know how I'm going to teach him everything by the deadline.

"I guess we'll start with the easy stuff," I say with a sigh. Scott watches me intensely, making me feel very... Off.

He moves closer to me, making my breath hitch. He looks over at the test paper, his brow furrowing when he sees all of the red crosses I've drawn.

"I'm... Quite far behind," he whispers.

"Very," I reply.

2 hours later

God, it's finally over. That was sufficiently awkward. I feel like I was scared to say anything wrong, in fear of making him angry. In fear of him.

I can't wait until he's done with tutoring, but by the looks of it, that won't be for a while now.

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