We go together like Spaghetti and Garlic Bread

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Kirstie POV

"Mitch, I swear to God, change faster," I say, laughing as Mitch throws yet another shirt onto his bed. If I didn't know any better, I would swear that he's more feminine than me.

"I need to look good - it's my birthday!" Mitch says, giggling. "What would people think of me if I didn't look good?"

"They would think you hadn't had coffee that day," I say, rolling my eyes. "Now hurry up. I was ready 20 minutes ago!"

"Were you? I hadn't noticed, I mean, it's not like you told me or anything," Mitch says sarcastically, laughing at the offended face I pull.

"I'm going to leave without you, butthead," I say, starting to walk out the door. Mitch throws on a shirt and follows me out the door, fixing his fringe as he goes.

"Did you just call me a 'butthead'?" Mitch asks, snorting.

"... Yes," I say, smiling.

"What are you, two?" Mitch asks, shoving me slightly.

"It's weird to talk about yourself," I laugh, shoving him back.

God, I love not fighting with Mitch. We have the best friendship. The best I could ever ask for.


Mitch POV

We arrive at the restaurant and chat excitedly. 

"I've heard that this place has amazing pasta, and momma loves her spaghetti," I say with a laugh, grabbing my phone out of my pocket.

"I don't care about the pasta as long as there's garlic bread. I fucking live for garlic bread," Kirstie says, practically salivating at the thought.

"You're so strange," I say meeting her eyes. "But that's why I love you."

"We go together like spaghetti and garlic bread," Kirstie says, laughing so hard that she snorts. I find myself laughing incredibly hard also.

We almost don't notice the waiter coming up to take us to our table, but calm ourselves just in time to make pleasant conversation.

"Excuse me... Kevin," Kirstie, says reading the name tag aloud. "Do you have garlic bread here?"

"Of course we do!" Kevin laughs. "Would you like me to get you some for starters instead of normal bread?"

Kirstie's eyes light up and she nods excitedly. Kevin laughs again and leaves to tell the kitchen this. I like Kevin - from what I can tell, he would get along very well with Avi.

"So, what would you like?" Kirstie asks. "And remember - I'm paying."

"You are most definitely not paying," I say, furrowing my brow and reading the menu.

"It's your birthday and I'm paying for both of us," Kirstie says, glaring at me.

I decide not to argue and continue to search through the menu.

"I might get the vegetable lasagne," Kirstie says, closing her menu and setting it down on the table.

"I'm one hundred percent getting the spaghetti bolognese," I laugh, putting my own menu down.

Kevin walks over and takes our orders down, making polite conversation with us as well. Mental note; get Kevin's number for Avi.

"Thank you!" I call after Kevin as he walks away. Kirstie repeats me and turns back to me.

"So," Kirstie says, smirking.

"So... what?" I ask, slightly nervous. I take a sip of my water, which probably wasn't a good idea.

"When did you realise you love Scott?" Kirstie says. I choke on my water, and look up at her with wide eyes.

"W-what?" I ask, shocked.

"You heard me - when did you realise that you love Scott?" Kirstie repeats, smirking over her glass.

"Um... I don't love-" I start, but Kirstie cuts me off with one hand gesture.

She murmurs something under her breath which sounds vaguely like, "This again?"

"Mitch," Kirstie says with a sigh. "I know you love Scott. I can see it in the way you look at him - like he's the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. You care less around him, have more fun around him. You smile more. You laugh more. Parting from his is unbearable to you, and when you two fought it tore you apart."

"I... Don't know what to say," I whisper. Do I love Scott? I've thought about it before, but I've never really considered it like this before.

"Say how you feel. Just tell me, I need to know," Kirstie says, giving me a soft smile.

"I..." I whisper, staring down at the table. "I love Scott Hoying."


Kirstie POV

FINALLY - THANK GOD! I can't believe I got them both to confess to loving each other. The next step is to get them to confess it to each other.

If they were celebrities, I would be their number one shipper. What would be their ship name? #Scitch? #Mott? They sound horrible. We'll all decide it together when they start dating.


Scott POV

I continue planning this evening whilst Kirstie and Mitch are out at lunch. My plan requires Kirstie to dress Mitch and come with us. She needs to distract Mitch as I drive us to the first location, then she'll head to somewhere else whilst we're at the first location.

When we go to the second location Kirstie will join us and we'll all do the activity together.

I need some help trying to find something out so I decide to text Kirstie.

Kirstie wat r u doing rn?

Bathroom. Text whatever.

How are we going to get there?

Wait which place? One or two?

One...? I'll drive us but where will u go after?

I'm gonna go next door to get my nails done :P

Wait since when did they have nail salons next to places like that?

Lol idk

Lol k see u soon

K byeee :D



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