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Dedicated to my Kween SeeThroughBaby :) Love you girl! <3 (Also she's fucking gorgeous #Kween)

Mitch Sucks Scott's Cock POV

"No," I whisper in astonishment.

"Mitch, I know how much this may shock you-" my mother starts, but I cut her off with a gut-wrenching scream.

"NOOO!" I yell, a piercing white noise shooting through my head. All I can think of is when I've finally made things right with Scott, the only boy I've ever truly been in love with, I have to leave him, leave Kirstie, leave everyone.

"Mitchell, calm down," My mother warns, but I'm far past caring.

I scream once again, tears beginning to stream down my cheeks and run upstairs to my bedroom. I lock my bedroom door and throw myself onto my bed, clutching a pillow to my face and sobbing into it.

I sob late into the night, my eyes become heavy from tears and my mind becoming delirious from the thoughts crawling around it.

With a heavy heart, I rise from the bed and drag myself into the bathroom, planning on a quick shower to make myself appear ok.

As I rinse my hands in the sink my eyes scan the mirror-covered cupboard. They skim past the 2 boxes of panadol, equating to 20 pills. They rest on the gleaming silver of my new razor, used to shave the stray hairs off my face, though i barely use it.

I bite my lip and peer at my swollen face, reaching over and locking the bathroom door.


Scoot Mah Doot POV

I've not received any contact from Mitch in days and - though I was worried since the first hour - I've become seriously concerned.

He hasn't attended school at all this week, and I thought things were all fine with us after the recent incident, but maybe he needs to work things out?

Riddled with confusion, I drive to his house, hoping to receive an answer to his absence and clear out any bad blood between us.

I knock on his front door, waiting patiently with a hopeful smile planted on my face.

"Mitch?" I yell, knocking a bit harder on the door. My hopeful smile changes to a frown as I continue to knock, though not as frequently but still as hard.

I release a sigh of relief as the door is unlocked, but suck the sigh back in as the door is opened. The house reveals Mitch's mother, dressed head to toe in black and clutching a box of tissues in her hand.

"Scott?" She asks, her voice as quiet as a whisper.

"Mrs Grassi?" I reply. "May I please enter the house?"

"Um," She says, turning back into the inside and looking around. "I'm sorry but you can't... We're, uh, getting ready for something."

"Getting ready for what?" I question.

With worried eyes she shakes her head and closes the door in my face.

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