James 2

194 23 14

So... I just got home from the hospital. I tried to kill myself and they had to keep me in the Critical Condition area for a while. I'm ok now guys xx

Also, short chappy, but long chappy next time :P LOVE YOU ALL

Scoot Hooyoong

"So, Scott, how are you?" James asks me. We're in the same class again, and he's flashing me the same cheeky smile as yesterday.

"I'm doing... Ok. How are you?" I ask, trying to avoid conversation. I need to focus on work.

"Quite well. I met this gorgeous boy named Mitch yesterday... I couldn't believe it, but he actually made the first move on me!" James says excitedly.

I reel back in shock. "W-what do you mean first move?"

"Y'know, he made the first move. Kissed me. Went for it. And, get this, he's single! I'm totally going to ask him out," James squeals, his face lit up with happiness.

"He said that?" I ask coldly.

"Yeah, he told me he was single and then winked, so I feel like he's as into me as I am into him. I hope he'll be a long-term thing; I don't like short relationships, and Mitch is so so sooo nice!" James says, but I barely hear it.

I feel numb, my heart is pounding and my blood is boiling. I want to kill James, but I know he hasn't done anything. Mitch... cheated on me? He said he was single. I mean, I get that we weren't supposed to tell anyone, but Jesus, he should've rejected someone who made a move on him!

I'm mad, heartbroken, and hopelessly in love all at the same time. How does one human feel al of this together? Surely I should be... spontaneously combusting by now?


I get home and throw my bag against the wall, the books hitting the wood and knocking a hole in it. I don't care, I couldn't give less fucks.

Everything reminds me of him; my bed, my floor, my books, my room, my house, everything. Everything, just like he is - was - to me.

How does one thing tear me up like this? Surely Mitch wouldn't react like this if I cheated? No, he'd be level-headed and try and understand why I did it, but how can someone be level-headed at a time like this?

For fucks sake, I told him I love him! I don't just say that to someone, that's not something you just throw around. He said that to me too! I can't...

I can't.

"Mitch..." I whisper as I fall to the ground, the room spinning and finally blacking out.

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