Weekly Idol- Wreath

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"We'll start the show now." Defconn and Hani come onto the filming set. "Oppa come over here." Hani pulls Heechul with her to the center. "Okay, should we do it?" Defconn asks. They nod and everybody poses, "Weekly... Idol!"

"Okay, now Heechul-ah, you seem nervous." Defconn comments. Heechul makes a weird sound. "Ne, today's guests are also from the same company as me!" We see a camera shooting us, and we wave. "Now, they are almost my juniors by 10 years. I'm also older than all of them by more than 10 years, but that's a sensitive subject." Everybody laughs. They talk more about our comeback, and about us. "Now, I love Wreath and all their members. Except Mancy." Mancy likes to tease Heechul on how he's more than 15 years older than her. "Yah." I hear Mancy say. Defconn seems shocked. "Heechul-ah, what have you been teaching your children these days? You're their senior and yet they look down on you." Heechul pretends to be embarrassed. "Let's just get on with it."

"Okay! Introducing the girl group with a boy group concept. Our legendary Wreath!" Hani announces and starts clapping. We clap as we enter. Our title track is playing. The MC's do the mumbling thing that they always do, and we do our introduction. "Like a necklace we are Wreath!" We make a necklace shape with our arms. I smile secretly. I'm still wearing Jin's necklace. There's more clapping, and the MC's start. "Now before we start with introducing Wreath's song, we have some exciting news!" Heechul says, "Our Miga has joined We Got Married!" They start clapping again. I blush a little.

"Oh? Jinjja? With who?" Hani asks. I blush even more. "Her husband is Jin from BTS." Younggi pipes up. I give a death glare to her. "Younggi's jealous. She's always like BTS since their debut." the MC's gives some dramatic sound effects and tease Younggi for awhile. "Now, how about we have our leader introduce our song." Dezi bows a little, "Ne. Wreath is back with an even cooler image now with our new album, Erase. We have two title tracks. Hatred, which is about a girl who wants to hate everything, and Erase, which is about a girl suffering from a break-up and wants to 'erase' all her memories with the guy." the MC's nod.

"Now of course Wreath can't visit and NOT do the 'Random Play Dancing.'" Defconn exclaims. It's true. Wreath is known for their perfect choreography, but there can be some confusion with the verses and songs. "We will get you whatever you wish if you pass in one go." All of us start shouting out food. "Jjangmyeon!" A number of us shout. "Okay, jjangmyeon it is!"

We get into position and the music starts. Hatred- 1st verse. I'm in the middle. We're doing okay, I thought. The song changes. Good. It's Erase- 2nd verse. This is where Andrea has to jump over RiSe and Tcuy. Andrea executes it perfectly. The MC's are amazed. The music changes and it's Erase 3rd verse. The choreography's a bit more intense, but we manage. I see Dezi slip a little but the MC's don't notice. The music changes again.

"What the heck is this?" I hear someone say. "I don't know!" I reply. "Hoping for a Miracle!" Mancy says. Hoping for a Miracle was part of our Christmas special edition album. "We have a choreography for that?" We frantically try to find our positions. Defconn's already making an 'x' with his hand. "Hold on." The music stops, "Do you guys really not recognize the song?" There's laughter. "Ani, it's just that we..." Jimin doesn't know how to reply.

"We'll let you off this once since the choreography for Erase was amazing and you're Heechul's juniors, but you guys better get it right this time." We nod obediently, "Guys, just go into our positions for Erase every time there's a song we don't know and follow my lead" Mancy says. She's the main dancer. "What was that?" Heechul asks. Mancy acts all innocent, "Hmm?" Evil maknae strikes again.

The music starts. It's Hoping for a Miracle. We do what Mancy told us to do and we get into our positions for Erase. We're a rhombus shape. I'm at the back. We follow what Mancy's doing. Isn't this the choreography for our debut song? I don't question it. I want food. The song changes and thankfully, it's Erase. After, it's a song from our last comeback, Ill Love. Then, it's Hoping for a Miracle again. We automatically get into our positions and follow Mancy. The music stops.

"You guys passed!" Defconn clapped, "Nothing else to expect from Wreath." Heechul doesn't look convinced though, "Isn't the choreography that you danced to Hoping for a Miracle also the choreography for your debut song?" We all shake our heads, "No it's not or else we wouldn't dance it for Hoping for a Miracle, now where's our food?" Heechul looks confused, but the staff's already getting us our food. We eat, and we're onto the next corner.

We edit our profiles. They don't edit mine much, just add 'married woman' to traits. "Now we're doing Grill Idol!" Defconn says. "Hani will you explain?"

"Ne! So Grill Idol is when groups compete for a title. There will be three competitions and whoever wins will get Korean beef!" All our eyes light up at the sight of beef. Our manager comes out with it. "Your manager will start grilling the meat. Now category number one is... Aegyo king! Or queen." We all look at Tcuy. Even though she was the fourth oldest, she was the only one who decently did aegyo. But Mancy and Andrea can be pretty cute if they want food. We all want food.

"Now I think that Miga will win. Did you see her aegyo on WGM?" I blush. We start with the battle. Younggi goes first, since she's the oldest, and the one people least expect to get Aegyo queen. We're right, and she ends up trying to do aegyo until she gives up. "Next, Miga." I'm nervous, but I try. "Buiing buiing!" I know I failed, so I don't try to do more, "Just go to Tcuy already."

The MC's laugh at my straightforward answer. Tcuy's last. "Okay, so right now Andrea is holding the title as Aegyo Queen. Let's see if Tcuy can beat her. Tcuy's eyes are already wider than they should be. She tied her hair into pigtails. "Oppa, can you pleeeeeeeeaaaaase give me food? I'm hungry." She starts whining cutely. We all know she won. Andrea take off the paper crown willingly and hands it to Tcuy. Tcuy just smiles and skips happily to the table where manager-nim's already grilled some beef.

"Okay, next we have dancing queen! This will be whoever dances and recognizes the most songs we play." We  look at Mancy. She's the main dancer, and the biggest fan-girl. "Lets start!" The music starts playing.

Bad- Infinite. Almost everybody gets up. Except RiSe. Next, it's Cheer Up by Twice. This time, both Dezi and I sit down. RiSe gets up. She and MoMo are good friends since they're both from Japan.

Call Me Baby- Exo. We all freak out and start dancing in perfect synchronization. Then, BTS's I NEED U come out. I stand there for a moment, then sits down. Mancy's the only one still dancing.

"Hold on," Heechul makes an x with his arms, "Miga, why don't you know BTS's song?" I sheepishly laugh. "I didn't get a chance to learn yet." All the MC's groan in disappointment, "We expected better from you." Mancy ends up getting the Dancing King(Exo song), or queen title, and she happily joins Tcuy in eating the beef.

"Next title, Flexible Queen! It's right in the title, whoever is the most flexible gets the title." The staff brings out a stand. We all know the stand. It's the one where you must try to stretch farthest down. I smile smugly. Since I was in a dance group before debuting, I'm the most flexible. I also hold the record for bending the most. 37 centimeters to be exact. 

I start stretching confidently. The others go before me. RiSe actually beat my record and got 39 centimeters. It's my turn now. I stand on the round white block, and stretch down as far as I can. "Oh! She's already at 34 centimeters!" I stretch down some more, 38 centimeters. A little more, and I'll beat RiSe. "Think of the FOOD!!!" I hear Kuni yell. Food. Food. I want food. "43 centimeters! Is that even possible?" I get up. 

"I get BEEF!" I screech, and go to the table in the corner where Mancy and Tcuy were already welcoming me. "Hold on, where the crown first." Heechul gives me the yellow paper crown with Korean words on it. I can make out some of the words, but not most. "I wear it on my head lopsided and start eating the meat. 

After, we talk a little more about our comeback, and perform both of our title tracks. Then, we thank Weekly Idol for having us.

It's after filming, and we're all in the waiting room. "That wasn't so bad." Dezi said, breathing out a sigh of relief. "Yeah, they definitely went easy on the teasing." commented Tcuy. Kuni huffed, "At least they talked to you, they didn't even get to my profile!"

We talk and laugh some more, then we go back to our dorm. I'm changing into my pajama's when I realize that I still have the necklace on. I smile, and touch the silver heart. I decide to still keep it on. Even if it was just for a show, I still liked how Jin bought me this necklace. How did he know that I liked lockets? 

I climb into bed. I fell asleep smiling.  

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