WGM ep. 31

919 22 2

Yus Eng subs are finally up!!!

The video started with Jin walking down a street, humming a tune. Suddenly, he stopped. "Isn't that the cafe they first met at?" Dezi asks from the panelist area. "Oh? They changed it?" Jin asks, staring at the sign. It used to have been painted with a pretty gold, the sign's letters swirled elegantly. Now, the sign had block letters that were painted in a bright orange and light blue colour.

Nooo!! They couldn't have changed it!! The memories.

Relax, it's not like you've been there before.

Jin opens the door into the cafe. The camera sweeps through the area. The walls that used to be painted a light pink with gold lining was now replaced with a white wallpaper with dots and circles of different colour. The place was definitely more abstract.

At the end of the restaurant, there was an arcade with bright blue LED lights. And down a hallway, there were multiple karaoke rooms.

Jin had a seat at a table near the wall. A waiter came over and Jin said that he was waiting for someone. Some time passed before the door opened again. Miga peered around the place before taking a seat in the chair across from Jin. They greeted each other. "Isn't this the place of our first meeting?" Miga asks, glancing at the walls of the place. "They remodeled it."

"Aw, that means we can't relive our memories," Miga says. "Why not make new memories?" The waiter comes and Miga orders a cappuccino. Miga raises and eyebrow. A sound effect is played in the background. Jin replies with a wink.

The MC's laugh at them. "Ayyy, kyeopta."

Jin orders a hot chocolate, thanking the waiter and smiling at her. "Yah, don't smile at other women," Miga says, which once again brings a laugh from the panelists.

"They added karaoke rooms along with an arcade." Miga seemed confused. "Arcade? What does that mean?"

"No way, Miga not understanding a word?" Dezi exclaimed with a hint of sarcasm. "I always forget that Miga's a foreigner. Her Korean's really good," Misun says. Dezi nods, "She studies Korean a lot in her free time so she's almost fluent."

The waiter came and it was silent for a while as Miga and Jin started drinking their orders. "Remember our first meeting? Gosh, that was so awkward."

Some video clips of their first date were shown. Both the couple and the panelists laughed as they remembered how awkward they were in the beginning.

The video cut to them playing at the arcade. First, a racing game. Jin won.

"Jin has a license. That's my excuse," Miga says in the interview room.

"I challenge you to another game!" Miga declares. They started the game again. "Wow, you're beating me!!" Jin says, staring at Miga's screen more than his own.

"Come on, that's not fair you let me win," Miga complained.

"To be honest, I don't like being beaten, but I also don't like when somebody purposely loses. It's just... not fun!" Miga complains during the interview.

Miga wanders around the arcade, looking for another game. "What about this one?" Jin agrees and they start playing the game Miga had pointed to.

Miga was expertly moving the controls, face serious. Intense music was playing by in the background. Then, there was Jin's side. He was pressing random buttons. Yet, he was winning. "How are you beating me?!" Miga asks, trying a series of combo attacks that Jin's character blocked. With a final push of a red button by Jin, Miga's character died.

Miga pushed a button in frustration. "What even is this? I think this game is rigged."

The video cut to a very disappointed Miga in the interview room. She was quiet for five seconds before sighing and repeating the process again.

"My pride is really hurt," she says. "I mean, I've been playing that game since my childhood. And Jin just comes, presses some random buttons, and wins?"

Then, there was Jin in the interview room, laughing with only a quiet squeak coming out. "I don't even know how I won. I mean, I just pressed a bunch of buttons that I liked. The last button I pressed was the red button because I had pressed a white button before and wanted to make pink with my mind."

Then, Miga and Jin played one of those dancing games. Jin surprisingly won.

Again, in the interview room, Jin was laughing in disbelief. "Yah, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, I'm coming to be a part of the dance line."

Hahaha, the games must be a fan of yours, Jin.

Notice how he steered clear of the hockey game.

"I think this arcade hates me," Miga says. "Let's go to the karaoke then."

The video was cut to Miga flipping through the large binder of songs. "Why is there so many songs?!" Miga had found the B section and was at the section where all of the BTS songs were listed.

Jin pointed to Whalien 52. "Whale then, I guess we shouldn't do that one." Miga literally fell off the sofa laughing.


"What? What does he mean?" Misun asked, confused. In fact, all the panelists were confused except for Eric, who was practically dying from laughter.

Miga grabbed the remote and chose a song. She started singing softly and dramatically.

"Isn't this Jin's solo song?" Eric asks. "How sweet," Dezi squeals.

Wen they were done, Miga was laughing hard. Then, Jin chose a Wreath song.

"This song is too hard," Eric comments.

Most of the footage of them singing was cut out, only showing bits and pieces of the highlights of each song.

The scores for all of the songs they sang weren't that high as they both weren't trying.

"Let's do a Got7 song!" Miga picks up the remote. "Yah, your husbands in Bangtan."

Miga ignores him and starts singing the beginning, doing the dance moves along.

Yasss, love the interactions and how Miga won't let the haters stop her from supporting Got7

Then, they sang My First and Last.

Miga supporting her dongsaengs~

Once Miga was done singing that, Jin chose Red Velvet. "Nooo~" Miga pouted, but in the end was still dancing along.

"This is basically them just trying to make the other one jealous," Dezi comments.

They continued to sing a lot of songs. Once they were done, they sat down on the small sofa, talking about random stuff. A preview of the next episode started showing. The panelists wrapped up the episode and pretty soon, the screen went black. 

A/N: I'm going on a trip on our favorite ROCKET SHIP ZOOMING THROUGH THE- okay I'll stop. 

But I'll be gone next week because of a school trip and everything so I MIGHT not update next week. It depends, I'll try to publish a chapter beforehand during the weekends but I might not have the time. PLEASE FORGIVE MESDKJbairubv

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