Jin: Christmas

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December has always been one of my favorite months.

Growing up, my parents never really celebrated Christmas. Sure, we still celebrated it, but we didn't celebrate celebrate Christmas. Like, we didn't have a Christmas tree up, or did those leave cookies for Santa stuff. I guess because of that, I never saw Christmas as a big deal.

But even so, to many people, Christmas was BIG, Christmas was the best time of year. And so because of that, I like December. December seemed to be the time where people were the most happy. Everybody was in a good mood. And both work and school is easier.

So waking up to the first of December made me feel amazing. What didn't make me feel amazing was the fact that I had to wake up at 4 am to get in some extra practice before filming.

Jimin was a little sick yesterday, and upon checking on him again this morning, he was burning. A high fever. I'm worried about him. He's working harder than ever these days, and I really hope he rests.

I exited the dorm, and headed to the company building. I was the only one who had a schedule today, so while all the others are sleeping in, I'm here practicing.

I run over some of our songs. I felt energized for some reason. There are days when I don't feel like moving, and days when all of a sudden dancing comes easily to me. Today was one of those days in which I could dance easily, and didn't even have to try hard.

After dancing a little, I sat down in front of the mirror, and started warming up my voice. Although I am part of the vocal line, I feel as though I need to improve more. That's why I asked not to have as much lines as the others. They're vocal skills and techniques are better than mine, so they should be able to shine. A day will come when I'll be confident in by voice and abilities. Until then, I'd rather slowly improve on minor things.

I didn't keep track of time, and pretty soon the door opened, revealing the manager. "Practicing?" He said approvingly. I nodded, and quickly stood up.

He looked at his watch, "We should get going. Filming's in forty minutes, and it's a twenty minute drive."

"Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes," I say. The manager put his hands in his pocket and walked out, not bothering to close the door.

After a few minutes, I was heading out of the practice room with my bag. At this early in the morning, there was barely any staff. But the few I encountered all bowed politely to me. I did too.

I passed the trainee practice room to already hear music playing, and the rhythmical pattern of feet against wood. I wanted to go in and see the trainees working, but I knew everybody was waiting for me, so I continued on.

A black van was outside, waiting for me. I quickly pulled the door opened, and climbed in. "Where are we going, anyways?" I asked. I got no response. I guess some people aren't as happy and energized as me. Oh well.

Without knowing, I had accidentally fell asleep. I was awake as soon as the car stopped, a kind of skill I had acquired since debuting.

Climbing out of the van, I look at where we were. MBC's main building. There was a banner for Weekly Idol on one side, and on the other, We Got Married's logo.

I followed my manager into the building. He went to the front desk, and said what we were here for. The receptionist guided us to a room, and said that filming would start any minute now.

I was a little confused in why we were here. I came here every time we finished filming for the interviews, but as far as I can recall, all the episodes we filmed already had interviews.

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