WGM ep.27

931 20 11

Told from anonymous' point of view

I peel open the wrapping and watched the steam escape from the plastic bowl. I sit down in my chair and start stirring the rice with my fork.

Once I'm sure that the food had cooled off, I pick up my chopsticks and start eating. I sift through the mail. I was doing a lot better financially than I was last year. Thanks to the promotion.

I glance at my watch and realize that We Got Married is about to start. I had hated myself for not following the news more and knowing that Miga had come to China. Not that I'd be able to see her. I'm too afraid. She doesn't know the full story. And frankly, I don't think she'd listen.

I moved from the table where I usually eat to the sofa. I switched the channel to the channel which played all the Korean shows.

WGM was already playing, but it was another couple. It was the actor people. I usually watch the other couples, as an excuse that I'm not watching this just for Miga even though I am.

By the time Miga and Jin came on, I was already done with my instant rice. I started sucking the flavor out of the chopsticks which may seem childish but it's a habit.

The MC's were doing the usual introduction. I nonchalantly followed along, reading the subtitles. Dezi couldn't make it so Mancy was filling in. I had always like Mancy the most so I was glad.

I scraped the sides of the bowl for sauce before putting the chopstick in my mouth.

The main MC all of a sudden got really serious. "Before we start, I'd like to just give our grievances to Miga and the rest of her family."

I stopped sucking.

"For those of you who don't know, Miga's mother passed away very recently and it's just been announced to the public. We'd like to say that we're very sad and we send our condolences. Now, Miga will be taking a break for a few weeks but she won't be quitting the show. She said herself that she doesn't want to let down any of the fans and viewers. We have a few unaired episodes of the JinGa couple so we'll air those until Miga feels ready to once again start filming."

The chopsticks clattered into the bowl, creating a hollow sound.

I sat up from my comfortable position. Miga's mother died? When? How?

"We just feel terrible and I'm sure Miga and her family are in a terrible state right now. I just can't imagine how she and her brothers and her father are feeling right now."

The camera shot Mancy, who looked really uncomfortable.

"I-I just want to say that I talked with Miga and she and her brothers are fine, so don't worry too much," Mancy says rushing.

I winced slightly at her words. I'm sure Miga and her brothers are fine too.

"I don't think Miga would want all of us to be this way so I think we should continue," Mancy then says. The main MC nods. "Yes, of course." She cues the video.

I was frozen, paralyzed at the screen as it started playing the video. Miga was congratulating Jin on graduating.

I quickly reached for my phone and clicked into a search engine.

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