Jin: Gifts

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A very professional me would smile. That me would ignore the sleep quietly creeping onto me and slowly consuming me. The professional me who would shake off the monster called sleep and instead focus on this stupid piece of homework. I guess I'm unprofessional.

I yawn again. I was blank. I was empty. I had no ideas. I was out of ideas. I never even had any ideas in the first place. I was... hungry.

Yeah, that's what I am. If I just go and get a snack, then come back with a full stomach, I'll have ideas. Many many ideas. But I really shouldn't. Argh. It's been a week and between performing for music shows and filming and preparing for our next comeback, I'm tired. I admit it, I want to sleep and be a sloth and curl up in a blanket and be amorphous.

I sigh and continue clicking and unclicking the pen in my hands. I had to finish this song before filming tomorrow, and so far all I got is a bunch of blank paper.

Think, Jin. It's not that hard.

But it is. I really wanted this gift to be special, and I felt bad that I don't have the time. In the end, I asked one of our producers if I could have one of their songs. Since I'm technically one of their 'bosses,' they couldn't refuse. All I have to do is write some lyrics, which is harder than it sounds.

I can't be cheesy. I know Miga'll write a super perfect NOT cheesy song that I'll love. And I know that Miga would like a song about something random and deep instead of the cheesy "we'll always be together, I'll never let you go" stuff.

Gargh. What even.

I blink, trying to rid the tiredness washing over me. Staring at the bright light that is the sun from out the window, I couldn't help but feel even more tired. Maybe even a little annoyed. Why is it that the sun gets to shine so brightly when inside I'm not bright at all?

I got next to no sleep yesterday, or early morning since I was working on the song. I really blame the producers for this. They know we have busy schedules, yet they assign us "homework" to finish in our spare time. I don't have spare time.

I felt something warm suddenly slip into my hands. I look down to find a cup in my hands, the coffee logo clearly seen. "Drink it," the manager said firmly, "You're tired." I sigh and bring the cup to my lips. The bitter taste fills my mouth. Coffee doesn't really bother me. It's really just the aftertaste that I hate.

I force down the coffee, and then rest my head on the car window. Sure enough, I feel more awake after a few minutes.

I do find myself falling asleep, and I'm jolted awake by my manager.

Wordlessly I get out of the car, still a little groggy. Coffee clogs up my brain. We're at some academy place, I think. I don't know. I'm not thinking clearly. The production crew is set up outside.

Miga, again, has gotten here earlier. She notices me and all of a sudden bounds to where I am. "Jin! Jin! Jin! Jinjinjinjinjin!" She stops in front of me. How can she be so hyper? "Mimi-ah," I call her by her nickname.

She beams. "So, did you prepare your song? Did you, did you, did you? I can't wait to hear it!" I sigh, "Don't expect much." Miga only smiles, "That makes me expect it more. You know, people always say that, but in the end, it's always more than you expect. So I'm going to expect."

She happily skips away. Yes. Skips.

I get called over to prepare for filming. Once I'm done, one of the producers calls me over. "Don't be offended or anything. We also did this to Miga, and you know how well of a composer she is. But we have to listen to the song you prepared to make sure that it's... you know, good."

I raise my eyebrows, "And if it isn't?" The producer sighs, "Let's just hope it's good."

I take out a flash drive and hand it over to the producer. He plugs it into the laptop and puts on his headphones. Those three minutes in which the producer had a straight face was the most nerve-wracking part. I know I shouldn't technically call the song mine since I didn't help in any way, only wrote the lyrics, but still.

Once the song was finished, the producer sighed, and took off his headphones. After a few seconds, he nodded. "It's good." I broke into a smile. I didn't expect praise. Just a slight nod made me happy.

The producer looked up at me. "That was a much more subtle reaction than Miga's"

"What was Miga's reaction?" The producer took a breath, and all of a sudden started talking in a high pitched voice nothing like Miga's. "EEEEEEEH! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I worked all day on this!" And then he grabbed my arm and hugged me. I started laughing. Yeah, I could imagine Miga doing that.

Once he was done with the impersonation, he cleared his throat. "We shall not speak of that again." I laughed more. The producer disappeared, and after a few minutes, we were called to go in. 

We were guided into a room that has a small stage. The platform was risen a couple of inches. Spotlights illuminated the stage in a dim glow. Two seats were placed facing across from one another, and a Christmas tree was in the middle. Small, but I liked it. 

"Sit where you want," The director instructs us. Miga hurries and sits on the seat on the right side of the stage. 

Once we were settled, the green light blinked on. 


I stretched my arms once I was sure the camera was off. Sitting the whole entire time was new for me. I was used to having to move around. The director pressed a flash drive into my hands. The one I brought. "We imported the song from Miga in here." I smiled and nodded my head. I was wondering about that. I had wanted a recorded version of the song just so I can listen to it. 

Miga came over to me, flash drive in hand. "I don't know what you were saying when you said don't expect much. That was great, not cliche at all, I like it." 

I knew she was over-flattering me, but I smiled, relieved that she at least liked it. After all, she was some genius composer who wrote and amazing song for me. And to keep in mind she was writing in her second language. 

"Well, it doesn't seem like we have filming again until 2017," Miga starts but then her manager calls her over. "I have to go now, but see you!" She waved a goodbye to me and hurried to where he was. 

I stared at the flash drive in my hand. It might be small, but it held significance... Aaand that sounded cheesy.


A/N: This chapter was taken place sometime during December. Just keep that in mind. Cause I'm still in the Christmas spirit. Even though all I got for Christmas was a pair of Apple earbuds. Like, why do I even. Sobs. I have no friends. 

Oh, and I skipped the actual filming part cause I don't think I can write about how a song sounds like. And there's also the fact that I can't actually compose a song. So there's that. 

SCHOOL started again. I'm crying. 

And I just finished writing a super sad scene and stuff. So there's that. 

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