Jin: New House?

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We're filming again today. It's been two days since our last meeting at the park where we exchanged gifts. The Mario plushie's on my bed with the dozens of other Mario's. I like the one Miga gave me the best. I also have the notebook tucked under my pillow. I might no write songs as much as Suga or RapMon, but I can still write a bit of lyrics. I write whatever's on my mind in that notebook.

"Jin, we have to get going." I hear my manager. All the members gather around us by the front door. "Good luck hyung!" Jimin says smiling, "Have fun with your new wife." I stick out my tongue, "Just remember that food's in the fridge, and don't answer the door unless it's someone you know!" Now all the members stick out their tongue. "Whatever," Jimin rolls his eyes, "Say hi to sister in-law for us!" I'm already out the door.

We arrive at the filming place fifteen minutes later. Miga's already there. The staff's just checking her mike. She smiles a little and waves at me. I wave back before the staff get to me.

The director tells us to start walking around before he yells for the camera's to roll.

"So, how have you been?" I don't know how to start a conversation. Miga laughs, "Fine, we just had our comeback, so I'm a little tired." I nod. It's silent again. Luckily, a producer hands us a red envelope. I take it, and start to read it aloud.

MiGa Jin

JinGa's house is ready! We have provided you two with enough money to get there by bus. Go to this address and explore your new house and neighborhood! Who knows, you might even get a little surprise...

There's the address too. "Our house?" I ask. Miga looks surprised yet pleased. "We already have a house?" She starts dragging me towards I assume a bus stop, "Come on oppa! Let's go see our new house!" I smile when she called me oppa.

We're on the bus now heading to our new house. It's silent. I'm surprised when I feel an earbud in my ear. I look to see Miga smiling, "Listen." I nod. We're silent again. Miga has great music taste. There's some songs in other languages. Chinese, I'm guessing. My eyes widen when a BTS song come on. "You listen to us?" Miga nods, "I've already had some of your guy's songs on my phone before the show." I'm somehow touched, and I continue listening. It's Butterfly.

The next song was the one played in my clip of Wings. "Oh, I really like your voice and the song, so I downloaded it." Miga looks embarrassed. I just smile. I point to Miga's neck, "You're still wearing it." I say happily. Miga touches the locket, "Oh... yeah." She doesn't know how much her still having the necklace on means to me. 

We arrive at our stop after 40 minutes. "Kamsamnida." Miga does a full bow to the bus driver before exiting. I laugh quietly. "You don't have to be like that." I say when Miga catches up to me. "I know but I want to. I know how hard it is to not have enough money for something and have to work those kind of jobs." I stay quiet. It seems as if Miga suffered before.

"Oh, I think this is the house?" I look from the card with the address on it to the house in front of us. "But it's so big!" Miga marveled. It is big for just two of us. It's big enough for a whole family to live in. It's two stories high, and there's tall tree's in the front with a large patio. "Well, should we go in?" Miga nods and cautiously steps up with me. "Why are you looking like you're about to enter a haunted house?" I ask. "It's just that I've never lived in a house so big. Especially since it'll be only us." I nod in understandment. I wonder why the crew would rent such a big house so we can only film here once or twice. 

We're at the front door now. I slowly open it. We gasp in shock. It's the other WGM couple- Lee Jong-suk and Han Hyo-Joo. Jongsuk was back hugging Hyo Joo. They glance up to see us. "Sorry!" Miga screams, and we both shut the door. We both stare at each other and start laughing. 

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