Jin: Goodbye Wedding

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I woke up with a heavy heart.

Why is it that I feel horrible right now? I don't want to have this wedding because I know that after this, it's going to be the end of it.

I knew from the beginning that it was going to end but now that it's happening it feels unreal.

All my members were also coming for filming so they were all up as well. "We made breakfast!" Namjoon says happily, putting down a plate of slightly browned- or should I say blacked- omelettes.

"For your big day, sir." I stare up at them and sigh. "Why is this served on a plastic plate?" I asked. Namjoon and Taehyung glanced at each other. Taehyung laughed nervously. "Hehe... so, um, funny story. As you can see from the pancake, it says WGM on it." I stare down. Well, I can kind of see a weird 'W' somewhere there. "And, uh, I told Namjoon to get a plate and, um..."

I sighed. There goes my favourite plate. "This is why you guys shouldn't do this. But thanks, I guess." My phone rang before I could scold them further.

"Hello?" I say into the phone. "Is this Jin?" Someone says in broken Korean. "Um... yeah? Can I help you?"

"Please excuse my broken korean... using translator." I was confused. "Who is this?" I ask. "Yang Yang."

My eyes widen.

"What? Did somebody kidnap Miga and now you have to be the hero and rescue her and bring her back to the wedding just in time?" Taehyung whispers after seeing my reaction.

Where did he get all that from?

"Oh, uh, hi? Why are you calling?" I try to say as politely as possible. "Today the last film so I have one favour to ask you..."


"You nervous?" Jungkook asks me. I shrug before nodding. "Yeah. But mainly sad that it's going to end."

We're outside in a garden right now, and the place looks amazing. Everything is white with pastel flowers everywhere.

It's just the members of our groups as well as the WGM couples that are at the wedding. It's like a reunion on Jongsuk and Hyojoo's part since their goodbye episode already aired.

Jackson and Youngji filmed theirs already but it hasn't aired yet.

I haven't seen Miga at all since she's still getting ready.

After a couple minutes, the wedding starts. I take my place at the front. Flowers cover the arch above me and flowers line the white carpet that stretched in front of me.

Music starts playing and it's the orchestral part from my song Awake.

Miga appears walking down the aisle with a bouquet of white roses.


She practically shimmered under the sunlight, the folds of purple in her white dress glowing whenever she moved.

She made her way to the front and stood right in front of me. She gave me a small smile which I returned.

Instead of those "i do's" and everything, we just exchanged vows or our official goodbyes to each other. I started first.

"I know that we haven't shown that much skinship in our time on this show. And I know that we haven't shown that much affection but I just want to say that I will miss you and I genuinely meant everything that I say. Every moment that we spent together I will miss and I will remember as a beautiful memory. Although I always compliment myself as good looking, I want to say that you are beautiful and especially right now. But most of all, I want to say that even if this is the end, it's only the end of the beginning. I know that we'll continue to contact each other no matter what. So stop being so sad. I will always be here as a shoulder to cry on or somebody to lift your burden."

It was Miga's turn now and she looked like she was going to cry.

"I was never one for cliches," Miga starts.

"But I guess that I should say that I'll miss you as well. You've been someone that I've been able to lean on and talk to. I could alway trust you and I guess that's why I've opened up to you. Because of you..." Miga stops and I can tell she's holding back tears.

"Because of you I'm happier now and I'll miss you tremendously but I know from experience that it'll be okay. These past 9 months have been amazing and I hope that we'll reunite again someday, even if it's just as friends."

Everybody claps and then we exchange rings. I had chosen a ring that had a small purple diamond on it.

I slipped it onto her finger and we hugged. That was the end of the wedding ceremony.

After that, the atmosphere lightened. Music started playing and Mancy started dancing crazily with Jackson.

We all laughed and ate the cake that was provided and talked more.

I could see that our members were becoming closer with one another. Yoongi and Rise seemed super close as they were talking intently while eating cake.

Dezi was awestruck since Jongsuk was apparently her favourite actor.

And Mancy was dancing to every single song played with Jungkook while Jackson was annoying Rapmon.

Filming wrapped up for everyone else except for Miga and I. We had one more scene to film as our final goodbye scene.

We were sitting on a wooden bench in the middle of a garden a few meters away from the wedding place.

There was a small waterfall that was spilling out onto the stones and into a pond. Flowers were everywhere and it was absolutely perfect.

Except for the bugs. That was annoying.

"I guess this is our goodbye," I say. Miga looks down. "I promised myself I wouldn't cry," she said quietly.

She looks up and smiles. "We had our wedding today," she says. I smile and nod.

Miga's still gripping her bouquet and she observes them. The petals of many of the roses had fallen down.

They didn't even last more than 2 hours.

"I don't know how to make this any more cheesy... but your brother called me this morning."

Miga's head snapped up at that.

"First of all, he said congratulations on our wedding, and second of all, he told me to give you this..."

I pull out a purple rose. It was dyed, obviously, but the purple was vibrant and the rose- surprisingly- wasn't wilted.

Miga's mouth fell open slightly at the sight of the rose.

Yang Yang hadn't explained much- just to give Miga a purple rose. If she wants to explain, she will, he had said.

Miga gently took the rose. "And it's real," she muttered under her breath.

A tear slipped out of her eye. She was crying now. I don't know what happened, but seeing that rose broke something in Miga.

Miga all of a sudden brought herself towards me and her lips met mine. It was a sudden peck and she pulled away in an instant.

I was surprised. She smiled at me.

"Thank you," she whispered.

And I could tell that this wasn't the end, but rather a beginning to something else.


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