MiGa: Where?

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A fresh new year.

Well, not exactly fresh. Why do people even say 'fresh new year?' That doesn't even make sense. Fresh, like lemons? Fresh like what? Why is a new year even considered fresh?

Okay I'm thinking too much.

The new year started out like any other, only our schedule was even more packed and we had no time to rest. I began to cherish the five-minute car rides in between buildings. I was particularly busy since I had to film an extra show than all the rest. But we all had our little things. Rise's father's health was getting worse. She begged the company to send her home so she could at least visit her father. But they didn't let her.

I could see her worried eyes as she thought of the seconds, minutes she could be spending with her father before he passed.

She even pulled us all aside and said she was considering leaving; filing a lawsuit to nullify the contract and go back home. We all didn't want her to but assured her that we would support her nonetheless. Her father wouldn't let her, though. He says he's as strong as ever and doesn't want to be the reason why Rise has to give up her dream. So nowadays, Rise never seems energized anymore.

Dezi was growing more and more popular, so the demand of her on a variety show increased. She agreed to host a show under the pressure of the company. Now, she's never around. She constantly apologizes when she's too busy to spend time with us. And we forgive her. Of course, we have to.

I had filmed a few episodes of We Got Married already, only one of them was aired so far. I was set to not film for another week, so I decided to message Jin. We rarely text or contact each other, as it would be too awkward. But hey, there always has to be a start to everything.

Jin was pleasantly surprised to hear from me. We talked a little, about small things. I didn't notice, but I was unconsciously smiling to myself like an idiot. Mancy started teasing me once she found out I was texting Jin.

I've realized that Jin and I have never met outside of filming. We never had time to talk freely to each other without thinking of every single word we were saying. I wanted to know more about Jin, but our schedules wouldn't allow it. So I found myself looking forwards to filming in a week.

In that time, Jin and I messaged each other frequently. I didn't watch any of the We Got Married episodes since I find myself just getting embarrassed at everything I say. Instead, I read through the comments. Every idol knows never to read through comments as they always contain hate, but I find myself not minding the hate. I've learned to deal with it.

After all, there are more important things in my life than worrying about impressing everyone.


For once, Jin actually arrives at the filming site earlier than me. I hop out of the van, smoothing out my dress. I wave to Jin, who smiles in return.

A producer- Jaymi, I think her name is- comes up to me. She explains that we weren't going to be here long, as the real filming would be in three days. We didn't even need to put on mic's as the filming would be so short.

In a few minutes, both Jin and I were already filming. We were sitting on a red sofa that was so soft I thought I was going to drown in the cushions. "People are asking where we would go if we were to go on a vacation together." Jin flicked his eyes to the sign behind him. He can deliver the lines pretty smoothly for somebody who was reading it for the first time.

I clap my hands, "Now I want to go on a vacation with you!" That wasn't scripted, but hey, I need to look natural, and that was what I would've said. "Well, if I was to choose some place, I would want to go back to my hometown, or some place in China. I want to show you places!" I added some stuff to my initial line, but the director was nodding so I guess he liked it.

"China would be fun. I'd be okay with anything, as long as I'm with you." Jin smirked a little, and I laughed. "Cheesy. Wah," I curled my fingers up. I knew that line was definitely not scripted. We really were a rebellious couple, weren't we? I laughed silently to myself. Yeah right, rebellious.

I wonder why they wanted to film us just talking about where we want to go. Gasps, what if we're actually going somewhere? No, that's impossible. I have schedules for the next month. We're just talking about our wishes.

Jaymi held out a red envelope. I knew I was supposed to get it, but I didn't want to get up from the sofa so I limply held out my arm. Jin stared at me before sighing and getting the envelope. I turned myself a little so I was facing Jin. He opened the envelope and took out a piece of paper. I held out my hand to read it, but Jin only held the paper farther away from me. "I got the paper, so I'm going to read it first." I pouted, "Oppaaaa, I want to see too..." Jin only shook his head, smiling silently while reading the sheet of paper.

After a little, his eyes scanning the print, his expression changed. It wasn't a happy expression, a sad one, or an angry one, it was more of... a shocked expression. "What?" I ask, a little curious now. Jin handed me the paper. I quickly read it, only catching a few words and sentences at a time.

vacation. couple. married. celebration. vacation. we are able to. congratulations. tickets. China.

My eyes widen. Jin slowly reaches into the envelope and pull out two small slips of paper. I quickly grab them and read the small print.

Plane Ticket

Departure: Seoul, South Korea

Destination: Shanghai, China

My mouth opens, but no sound comes out. I drop the tickets and reread the other sheet of paper in my hands, this time more carefully.


"W-we're going to..." I pause. This was too good to be true. How? The schedules, the comebacks, the performances. Jin, who now had the tickets and the paper finishes my sentence, "China."

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