MiGa: 101

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Okay, I'm screwed, I thought as I felt the mike pack attached to my skirt fall. And right when I'm about to be center too, wow, thanks world I feel so special.

I quickly shift to the center, pulling the wire and moving my hand behind to hold it. It was no use trying to clip it back on while I was center. Now, I just focused on trying to dance the choreography with one hand without looking awkward.

Ugh, why are mikes so hard to put back on. I make way for Dezi as she takes over as center. Dezi always had the center more than any of us. I guess visual perks.

When I'm well in the back, I quickly move both my hands back and try to clip the mike on, but of course, it disobeys me. I can't stop dancing so I just have a minor freak out while still smiling.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, I got the mike to stay on my skirt's hem. Now I could dance comfortably. Thank god... and the song ends. Wow. I spent all that time only to dance for five seconds and then pose.

We rose and bowed, thanking all the audience members. We were holding a concert prior to our comeback which was a few days ago. It was refreshing getting to promote again even though that means being jammed packed with schedules with WGM and everything.

They're aiming to finish filming by the end of summer. And that scares me. Filming for that show was almost part of my life now, and having to end that is frightening to say the least.

"Ha, luckily I didn't get that mike." Mancy sidles up beside me, poking at the mike behind me. It falls instantly.

"Shut up," I say, not really minding Mancy's teasing. "Hey, at least you handled it quote unquote, 'professionally.' I don't see how holding a mike behind your back while dancing is considered professional since even rookies can do that."

"It's hard, okay. You wouldn't understand since it's never happened to you," I defended. Mancy rolled her eyes. "Fine, whatever. But you should be thankful for the mike. Now, you're going to get a lot of praise for being professional."

"You just love that word, don't you." Mancy grins, putting an arm around me. "Professional, professional, professional, professional."

"Miga." I turn around to see our manager frowning at me. "Why didn't you change out of your stage outfit yet?" I shrug, yet bow after. "Sorry."

"You know you have filming in an hour, right?" I bow again. "Right. Sorry." I hurry into my dressing room where I change out of my stage outfit, which was quite uncomfortable for such an expensive outfit. The skirt was made out of fake leather and the threading was itchy around my waist while the top, which was a t-shirt, was actually pretty comfortable except for the fact that it was probably cut from a sweater which completely obliterated the fact of it being a tshirt since I was sweating in it.

I changed back into what I wore here, which was this oversized white t-shirt that said "Mei yangyang" that I got at some thrift shop and some shorts.

Filming had completely slipped my mind this morning. If I had known, I would've worn something that didn't cost under 10,000 won.

Right after I changed, I met with my manager and we made our way to the service. I sighed as I passed the waiting room, where I heard laughter. They were going out to dinner afterwards while I still had work.

The ride to wherever we were going was forty five minutes, which was pretty long. When we got off, we were at some field and I spotted Jongsuk sunbae and Youngji under a tent that was set up under a tree for shade.

I guess this is another one of those collaboration things. Unlike other seasons, the show has made all of the couples participating in this season interact with each other.

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