MiGa: Prepare

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I scrolled through the multiple traveling sites, taking only a glance at each one.

"How is it that somebody from China doesn't know where to go?" Jin asks, throwing a pillow mindlessly.

I give him a glare. "Just because I'm from China doesn't mean I know every attraction and place here. It's like asking if you know where to go if we went to Incheon."

Jin sat up from the bed. "Are you done yet? Is it that hard to try and find a place to go?"

"Well, why don't you go and find a place, huh?" I clicked on a website that recommended some places to go. I wanted to go to a place where it was more peaceful. I wasn't in the mood for shopping or anything. A museum would be nice.

"I can't read Chinese." was Jin's reply.

I ignored Jin and instead read the article. "Hey, what about this place?" I showed Jin the pictures. "Yu Garden. Since it's a weekday, there should be fewer people, and it looks beautiful." Jin shrugged, "Sure."

"What do you mean by sure?" I ask. Jin laughed, "Sure, we can go."

"What's that supposed to mean? You don't sound excited to go. Is there somewhere else you want to go?"

Jin put his hands up. "I said fine."

"But you don't sound very excited." Jin sighed, "Then how do you want me to react? Oh, of course, my great wife, this place sounds amazingly splendid." I nodded, "That's better." Jin laughed, "I was being sarcastic."

"And I wasn't." I stood up, shutting off my phone and stuffing it into my purse. "We should go, the card said we have to be back by dinner time."




"I'm hungry," I said.

We had just finished filming at Yu Garden and we were not given any food at all. The production crew wouldn't allow us to spend our money on food and it was torture walking past the street with multiple restaurants, smelling the aroma and not being able to eat and starve.

"The production crew is so mean," I whined. "Relax, I'm sure they'll give us food soon." Jin was scrolling through news articles or something on his phone.

"Check this out." Jin showed me an article. He made sure that the camera wasn't filming.

BTS to make comeback in February

"Is it true?" I ask. "I can't tell you." Jin clicks out of the article. "Come on, why can't you tell me? I'm your wife. Hey, I'll tell you when Wreath's going to make a comeback."

Jin showed me another article.

Wreath to make comeback in February.

"W-well, that might not be true." Jin laughed. "Judging by your tone of voice and how you responded, it's true."

"Since when were you a Sherlock." I gasped. "Oh! I'm so curious, yeah~" Jin was virtually face-palming himself.

"I never thought you were that kind of person." He shut off his phone as the car was approaching the hotel. "I'm not. It's just that living with Mancy for two years changes a person."

"You seem really close to Mancy," Jin commented. I shrug, "I don't know. We've known each other the longest, I guess."

The car pulled to a stop. We both got out of the car where a camera crew was already filming us. We immediately stopped our conversation and instead stood to where the director motioned us to stand.

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