Coming out

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A/N: updates will be slow, some will be one shots, others will be one or two chapters long, others will have smut and some will just be fluff and cliche moments. Don't expect anything special, I'm not very good at this, but here you go anyway.


This was all new for Josh, it's the first time he's been at this bar, since he began questioning himself, usually he'd go with his best friend, Tyler, who was gay, but this is the first time Josh has come alone.

It's not so much he felt uncomfortable, it's more so he felt exposed, afraid someone would recognise him, or even the off chance he might see Tyler, but that was highly doubtful since Tyler didn't usually come alone. Josh sat at the bar just watching all the different people, when suddenly a familiar face came into view.

'Shit' Josh cursed, and turned around so his back was facing the male known as his best friend. He knew deep down he couldn't let Tyler know he was here because the reason Josh was questioning himself is because of Tyler, Josh found himself paying a lot more attention to Tyler more than usual, and he'd get nervous anytime he's around, and he'd act like a schoolboy with a crush, but of course he had to hide it as best he could, Tyler finding out to ruin their friendship if he didn't feel the same way, but what Josh didn't know, is that Tyler did feel the same way, typical, but true, Tyler in love with who he thinks is his straight best friend, and Josh is the best friend, who is falling in love with Tyler who he's afraid to come out too. But that is not important, right now Josh trying to sneak out without Tyler seeing him is what's important. While Tyler was busy on his phone, Josh walked right past him, hoping to go undetected, which worked for about two seconds, until Josh's phone rang, Tyler noticed and realised the person he was calling was right in front of him. 'You're the last person I was expecting to see here J-Josh' Tyler stuttered beginning to feel nervous, 'yeah haha I was looking for you' Josh said hoping Tyler would not know he was lying.
'Okay, well I'm here now so what's up' Tyler said, not believing Josh's lie for one second.
'I wanted to talk to you in private more, so do you want to go sit down' Josh asked trying to calm himself down. Tyler just nodded his head and followed him to the back of the bar. 'Okay I don't want you to talk until I'm finished and I don't want you to hate me either after I say this' Josh said playing with his hands. Tyler agreed and let Josh continue. 'I've been questioning myself a lot lately and it's because of you, now I know that's stupid but I really think I'm falling in love with you and I don't know how to stop myself and every time I see you I feel myself thinking more and more about you and I just, I need to tell you because it's eating away at me and this wasn't even supposed to happen like this but here we are, I really don't want you to leave me and I hope this doesn't change anything between us' Josh said taking a big breath in and preparing himself for the worst. But what he didn't expect was, to feel Tyler's lips on his. Josh reacted quickly by moving his hands to Tyler's hips.
He knew straight away that was a good sign, but Josh was too focused on what was happening to even think about that.
After a good minute, Tyler pulled away and smiled as he rested his forehead against Josh's, 'You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that Josh, because I'm in love with you too'. The older boy began smiling and leaned in to kiss his friend once more. 'Oh and by the way Tyler, I'm gay' Tyler laughed against Josh, and Josh pulled him closer, he could get used to this.

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