Part 2

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A/N: I'm sure Kelly and Chris are extremely nice people, don't take any of this seriously.

Tyler knew as soon as he walked through the door he was in trouble. His parents were right there waiting for him when he got in. And they were mad. Actually mad is an understatement, Tyler cringed at her tone when his mom asked him to take a seat next to them. But he did anyway, he stayed silent and waited for what was coming. His dad was the first to speak. 'Tyler, what the fuck is wrong with you, we had to get a call from your school principal to inform us that you were off sucking some guys dick in the school parking lot'  his dad exclaimed angrily. 'He's not 'some guy' dad, he's someone that I've been in love with for the past fucking 9 months of my life, and I've had to hide it from everyone from fear of being judged, but to be honest, I don't even care anymore, so shout at me, beat me, kick me out for all I care, but nothing is going to change how I feel' Tyler responded calmly. 'Well then get out if you really mean it, we don't want someone like you here anyway' said his mom speaking for the first time since Tyler arrived in. 'I will then' Tyler said getting up from the couch. 'I'm packing my stuff, I don't expect to be here for much longer' Tyler added. 'Good, you better not come back either' his dad said his face flushed with anger.

The first thing Tyler did was call Josh as soon as he made it to his bedroom. 'Can I come over' Tyler pleaded to his boyfriend. 'Of course' came Josh's voice through the phone. 'I'll be over in a few then, I love you Josh' Tyler said throwing in all the clothes he could find into his bag. 'I love you too' Josh said, Tyler could hear the smile in his voice. The line went dead and Tyler swung the bag over his shoulder and stalked down the stairs. 'Tell Zack, Jay and Maddie goodbye for me please' Tyler said to his parents who were sat in the dining room. His mom scoffed at him and his dad just grunted. 'Goodbye' Tyler said, walking out the front door and slamming it behind him. And for the first time in his life, he felt free. He threw his bags into the backseat of his car and started on his journey to Josh's, which wasn't very long considering Josh only lived about 10 minutes away, but the drive calmed Tyler down.

Tyler broke down as soon as he was with Josh. But Josh didn't mind, he held him until he calmed down, he told him it would be okay, Josh didn't need to ask to know Tyler got kicked out, he could just tell. 'You don't need to worry, my parents said you can stay here for as long as you want' Josh told Tyler after a few minutes of silence, 'and even better, now we don't have to hide anything anymore, people can finally know you're mine' Josh said to the younger boy sat next to him on his bed. Tyler smiled and hugged Josh. 'I love you so much' Tyler said leaning into Josh. 'I love you too' Josh said grinning. 'And now everyone can know' he added. 'Finally' Tyler just smiled, he knew it would be okay.

The surprised looks on people's faces when Tyler and Josh got to school the next day was comical, few people even approached Tyler and/or Josh and asked about them, their reply was always the same 'we're together, you're opinion on us doesn't matter so don't share it' but most people were okay with it, at least, they seemed that way, but whatever, Tyler and Josh could finally be together without having to hide it from everyone, and for the first time ever really, they felt free, and as cliche as that sounds, it felt good.

A/N: I told you I wasn't good at this, also sorry it's short, I didn't want to drag it out

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