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a/n: i feel like the first one shot i ever posted it similar to this but whatever let me live.

'It's only Josh, calm down Tyler, he's your best friend, what could go wrong, you're only going to confess your love for him it's not a big deal or anything' Tyler told himself as he twitched with the nerves as he waiting on Josh to arrive at the old park where they used to always meet. Tyler was just about to ring Josh to cancel when he heard someone calling him. 'Tyler' the voice he recognised as his best friends shouted again. Tyler turned around, 'hey dog-breath' he stuttered out. 'Are you okay babyboy?' Josh asked as he got closer to Tyler. 'Ye-ah fine' Tyler replied trying to keep his cool. 'Okay' Josh said unsurely. Josh sat next to Tyler. 'Are you sure you're fine, Ty?' Josh asked again. 'Yeah, just nervous' he replied. 'About what' Josh asked what seemed like the 100th question. 'I need to tell you something, important' Tyler told him quietly. 'That's good, because I need to tell you something important too' Josh told Tyler smiling. 'Okay, on 3?' Josh added. Tyler nodded. '3,  2,' Josh began. 'I think I might be developing feelings for you' 'I'm seeing someone and I think you should meet her' both boys said at the same time. 'Shit' Tyler cursed. 'Eh haha yeah sorry that was ahem a joke' he added, 'Ty don't I'm sorry I di-' Josh began to say. 'No Josh, I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable, I, I'm happy for you and your girlfriend, but I don't think I want to see her or anyone right now' Tyler said holding back the tears. 'I don't know what to say Ty, I'm sorry I don't feel the same way.'Josh said feeling guilty. 'No, no, that's okay, I need to go Josh' Tyler said walking in the opposite direction. 'Tyler please stay, you don't need to go' Josh shouted after his friend. 'Josh I've just told you I have feelings for you, my very male and apparently very straight friend, and you just informed me you have a girlfriend, GIRL, so I'm sorry but I really can't stay, it hurts me as much as it's uncomfortable for you' Tyler said facing Josh. 'O-okay, I'll just let you go then' Josh said grimacing. 'I'm sorry Josh' Tyler whispered before running off. Josh was confused at why Tyler was sorry, he hadn't done anything wrong, it was just really bad timing. Josh decided not to tell his girlfriend about what happened, it best stay between him and Tyler.

'HE WHAT' Josh's girlfriend exclaimed when he finally told her after all her begging, what Tyler did. 'It's not big deal, I just told him it was bad timing' Josh said defending his friend. 'Josh I want you to stay away from that fag' she said sternly. Josh cringed.  'What did you just say about him' Josh declared angrily. 'You heard me, he's off his head, he needs to go and get help, it's not normal for a male to express his love to his male best friend' she snapped. 'Get out' Josh said walking towards the door to his house and opening it. 'What' she said flicking her hair. 'Get out of my house, I never want to see you again' Josh said narrowing his eyes to the girl he once actually thought was a decent human being, but not anymore. She scoffed, picked up her purse and walked out. Josh slammed the door and called Tyler. 'I know you probably don't want to hear from me, but just let me say this, I'm sorry about earlier today, I may not share your feelings right now, but Ty, you never know, besides, that bitch is gone so don't worry you'll never have to meet her, it's okay if you don't want to but I'll be at the park we were at later today, I hope to see you there' Josh told Tyler, who picked up the phone on the first ring. 'Okay' came his best friends voice barely above a whisper through the phone.

'Josh I'm so sorry for what happened earlier, I was just depressed and angry at myself for telling you what I did, but at least now you know' Tyler told his friend as soon as he was within range of him. 'No babyboy, I'm sorry, I would've had the same reaction if it had've happened to me' Josh said. 'Thanks dog-breath, but one more thing, you might have to stop calling me that now that you know how I feel' Tyler told him blushing. 'What if I like it?' Josh smirked at the younger boy. Tyler looked down hiding his blush from Josh. 'That's the problem Josh, because I do too' Tyler replied chuckling.

a/n: ten points if you get their nicknames.

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