Take a chance

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That day, my last day.

I looked into the mirror, fixing my bow tie and pushing my hair out of my face. I sighed deeply. It was all pointless, why would I even think that Tyler would choose me over Jenna.

She's beautiful, kind and she's everyone's dream partner, I have zero chance against her.

But so what if I did. Tyler had to know my feelings, it was in his best interest.

"Josh, stop, you need to forget about him" I told myself. It would just make everything more complicated. I didn't want to do that to Tyler.

My thoughts were interrupted by a faint hum echoing in the hall. "Shit" I cursed quietly. I forohot this hallway wasn't private. I looked up to come face to face with my best friend. Tyler was looking down at the floor, hands in his pockets.

He looked amazing, as usual, except the tuxedo, somehow made him look even better, with his hair gelled back. He glanced at me and smiled slightly. 

I smiled back not wanting to make things awkward.

"You look great" I said breaking the silence. "Damnit Josh, that's too homo" I thought to myself.

Tyler's eyes lit up. "Yeah, so do you." he replied blushing. For once, neither of us had anything else to say, he was getting married in less than an hour, of course he was gonna be distant.

He cleared his throat. "Are you okay." I blurted out sharper than intended.

"I, uh, yeah, yeah I am" he stuttered and faked a smile, something was wrong.

"Are you sure?" I questioned beginning to get worried. "You don't seem to certain" I added.


"Yeah, I just, there was something I wanted to say but I feel like it's too late, to say, now" he barely got out.

I gulped, it really sounded like we had the same thing in mind.

"No Josh, you're being stupid, he's getting MARRIED, of course he doesn't feel the same way dumbass" my conscious told me.

"Please tell me Ty?" I asked looking him in the eyes and he seemed panicked.

"I, erm, sort of like you?" Tyler awkwardly stuttered.

My eyes widened, surely not, he must mean in a friend way, we've got one hell of a bromance so this kind of confrontation, without context would be insignificant. But today, it felt, different.

"You too" I said barely audible as I sat down. Tyler stood still.

"No I don't think you get it, I like you, in that way" he said taking a seat next to me, not breaking eye contact.

I gasped, his eyes were enough proof to me that this was true.

He was getting married, breaking things off with Jenna's would not only be extremely difficult but also a really horrible move, Jenna was one of my best and nicest friends, doing this to her? It'd be disgusting of me, but, I felt like it was worth taking this chance.

My emotions blew up, my inhibitions, my standards, my morals, they all dissolved into the murky depths of my lust.

"Tyler I feel the same way, stronger even. I fucking love you, the way you talk, move, the way you act on stage, you're the definition of perfect and I've waited so long to tell you this but I was so afraid of what you say and I knows it's really bad timing but I'm willing to do whatever to takes to be with you" I blurted out.

He stood up taking my hand and me with him. I grimaced. "But why today, why now?" I whimpered, my voice cracking.

His eyes began to water, "it just never felt, serious until today, it never felt like if I didn't tell you it would make a difference, it was always a matter of, I can just tell him tomorrow" he said slowly looking down.

"Ty" I said slowly, lifting his head up, with my hand under his chin.

"We'll work this out" I said gazing into his eyes as he did mine.

I wrapped my arms around him. I didn't know what would happen next, how we would deal with the situation, but all we both knew for a fact, is that we are in love and nothing can change that.

As long as we take this chance, it will all turn out fine in the end. As long as we're together.

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