Stay with me

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a/n: totally did not forget to update this earlier today

Tyler, looks as happy on the outside as he is on the inside,

Not at all.

Josh, as cocky and outgoing as they come, but also like Tyler, not happy at all on the inside.


The incessant ringing of his alarm clock is what woke a peacefully sleeping Tyler the morning it all happened. He groaned but got up anyway. It's not like he hated school, in fact Tyler loved school. It's just he hated everyone in it. They hated him so in return he shared the feeling.. And they had no problem showing it. Calling him names, pushing him in the halls, taking his books, even spreading rumours about him, they did everything that your textbook bully's do. Except one day, it got out of hand.

Josh, like always, walked to school that day. He could've taken his car, actually, thinking about it, it would've been easier if he took his car that day, but then again he didn't know what was going to happen. He didn't even expect to ever speak to Tyler. But life is full of unexpected things.


Tyler sighed as he neared the school gates. He was never ready to be shoved around and teased, even though it happened everyday, it always came unexpected to him. He always passed the group of jocks, they would glance at him and laugh at him lightly, well most of them. All except one, the one with bright red hair.

Josh, was his name, as far as Tyler knew he had a perfect life. But far from it, is what Josh actually had.

He basically lived alone, both his parents always at work, his siblings off doing whatever it was they did. Just like Tyler.

The two boys, seemingly complete opposites, pretty much the same.
Which is why, the day his so called friends almost left Tyler for dead, Josh finally did something about it.

Tyler somehow managed to make it through the school day, with only one encounter from the 'jocks'. It wasn't as bad as usual, which is why Tyler knew something was wrong when they left him with barely a scratch. But then when he encountered them again on his way home he knew they were going to make it worse.
And he was right.

They bet him black and blue, kicked him down, so much so when he tried to stand up his legs fell right out from under him and he passed out.

Josh couldn't leave the younger boy there, so he waited until his 'friends' were out of sight before trying his best to life Tyler's almost lifeless body from the ground. After a minute, Josh was successful and had Tyler propped up against him. He felt awful for letting it happen, he knew Tyler had it rough, yet it took that for him to actually do something about it. Josh slowly began walking towards the nearest park bench, which luckily was only a few minutes away. He lay Tyler down, who had barely opened his eyes, and called an ambulance.

It was later that night when Tyler finally woke up.

"J-Josh" he quietly stuttered out. "Hey" came his delayed reply. "I'm so so-rry" he hiccuped. Tyler looked at him confused. "For what?" he asked.
"Not doing anything before." Josh said looking sadly at the bruised boy sat in the hospital bed. "It's, it's not your fault Josh." Tyler said closing his eyes. "I deserve it" he added. Josh furrowed his eyebrows. "No you don't" he said. Tyler just nodded. "I do" Tyler mumbled. Josh shook his head and sighed. "I told the school about what has been happening" Josh said changing the subject quickly. Tyler opened his eyes. "Thank you" was all he said before a doctor came in.

"Well Mr Joseph, you'll live, but you need to be careful, take your antidepressant medication and don't do anything strenuous for the next few weeks and you should be fine" he read from a professional looking clipboard.

Tyler nodded and tried to get up. Josh quickly moved his arms under Tyler's and helped him up. "Let's get you home" Josh whispered in his ear. Tyler smiled. "Thank you Josh, really."

"You don't need to" he said moving his arm around Tyler's shoulder. It was then that Josh knew he needed to be there for Tyler, and he planed on it.

They reached Tyler's house and Josh slowed his car. He hopped out and helped Tyler inside. "Hey Josh?" Tyler said quietly as they got to his front door. Josh turned to look at Tyler. "Will you stay with me for a while?" Tyler asked, hoping he'd say yes, not wanting to be alone. "Of course" Josh said opening the door with Tyler's keys and walking in. Tyler knew Josh wasn't leaving anytime soon as he walked in finding Josh making himself comfortable on the couch. "I'm not leaving you alone, you're stuck with me now" Josh said grinning.

"I don't mind" Tyler said, carefully sitting down next to him.

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