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a/n: Unedited
i'm sorry i know just short, i was running out of things to say. Also, I'm going to be updated new chapters every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and sometimes Sunday from now on.

"Josh! Stop it" Tyler shouted running away from his boyfriend.

"Never" Josh shouted back as he caught up with Tyler and threw him over his shoulder.

"Put me down" Tyler whined hitting Josh's back, making Josh slap his ass in return.

"Stop wriggling" Josh complained as he threw Tyler off his back and down onto their couch.

"Thank you" Tyler said smiling. Josh leaned down to kiss him. Tyler took this as an opportunity to get revenge. He quickly flipped them both over, so that he was straddling Josh.

"Well I'm not complaining" Josh smirked.

"You should be, I'm heavy" Tyler frowned.

"Don't lie Tyler, you're not."

"You're only saying that because you're my boyfriend!"

"No I'm n" Josh started to protest.

"You do it about a lot of things actually" Tyler interrupted, playing with his hands.

"What do I say just because I'm your boyfriend?"

"You say that I'm pretty, beautiful, that I should be alive, that I-"

"Wait. You think I lie about that? You think that just because I'm your boyfriend I say that you should be alive?" Josh started to get mad. He sat up with his legs stretched out with Tyler still straddling them.

"Well that's what he tells me, he tells me that you don't love me, that I shouldn't be alive and that I'm ugly worthless and that you lie to me." Tyler replied with tears sliding down his cheeks.

"Who says that? Blurryface?"


Josh pulled Tyler close to him so that Tyler's head was on his chest.

"Babyboy, you're amazing. I love you so so much. I could never lie to you. You're gorgeous, I'm always going to be right here and help you through all of this. And, of course you should be alive, do you know why?" Josh paused to let Tyler reply. He didn't, instead he shook his head slowly.

"Because every single morning, I love waking up to you, you know, quite a few nights I've had nightmares that you've killed your self. I've woken up crying and found out that your completely fine. You can always tell when I've had one because you wake me up telling me that I'm holding you too tightly. Don't you see Tyler? If you died, I would die inside myself. I wouldn't be able to live without you."

"You really think all that?"

"Of course I do, I always think about how I would be able to cope if you died and I always come to the conclusion that I wouldn't be able to.

"I love you so much Josh." Tyler sat up, grabbed Josh's face and kissed him hard. The whole kiss was sweet and Josh slipped his tongue inside Tyler's mouth.

"I love you so much more." Josh replied pulling away.


"Actually, I love and care for you more than you could ever imagine, I care for you more than I care for myself and to be completely honest I think it's unhealthy but it's worth it." Josh whispered to Tyler.

Tyler lay his head in the crook of Josh's neck and kissed it.

"I love you." Tyler mumbled loud enough for Josh to hear.

"I love you too." Josh wrapped his arms around Tyler as he lay on top of him.

"And you better not doubt me." Josh added kissing his head.

"I don't Josh, don't worry." Tyler said smiling.

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