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a/n: okay so after reading this, anyone who knows me personally, I think it's safe to say our friendship is over. Also, I got a bit carried away with this one so it's longer than usual.

Josh was angry, well not even angry, he was furious, Tyler was his, no one else could even lay a finger on him.

He held the stirring wheel with a death grip, staring at the road ahead not paying any attention to the younger boy next to him. He huffed and sighed due to lack of attention, signing loudly he uncrossed his arms trying to think of the right words to say.

"You can't blame me, I was only trying to have fun" the younger boy finally said.

Josh rolled his eyes.

"We must have different definitions of fun then, cause what you were doing was nothing that I would consider as 'fun'."

Josh let one hand go of the stirring wheel. Slowly grabbing Tyler's thigh.

Rubbing it slowly up and down. He got higher and higher and was just at the sweet spot, squeezing lightly.

"Tyler I think you were being a bad boy, dancing with strangers at a club is not following the rules, is it?"

"No daddy" Tyler began.

"I'm such a naughty boy, I think I need to be punished" he finished, biting his bottom lip.

Josh smirked at the words while rubbing his dick through his skinny jeans. Tyler began working himself on Josh's hand, his eyes shutting tightly. He was sensitive tonight and needed some kind of release.

Just like that, Josh took his hand away which ended in Tyler whining.

"Looks like we're home."

Josh clapped his hands together as the younger boy looked at him with curiosity.

"I expect no less from you tonight. I'm expecting you to be face down and ass up, got it?"

Tyler said nothing but dashed out of the car and inside, Josh chuckled at his eagerness, he still had anger, and what better way to relieve it than sex?

Josh locked his car and jogged inside. Taking his time to get to the room, he walked slowly upstairs. Dragging each step out, making it clear he was on his way.

He reached the bedroom, the heavenly sight in front of him. Tyler's ass out in the open, waiting for Josh's touch. He wanted to moan but surprised it, walking towards the bed, Josh ran his fingertips down Tyler's spine, trying to tease him more than Tyler teased him at the club.

Tyler felt goosebumps arise just as Josh's touch.

"What a good boy, all ready for daddy to touch" Josh said in a low groan.

Tyler moaned at the words, he wiggled into the pillow supporting his bottoms half, trying to get some relief. His desire going through the roof.

Josh leaned down to peck Tyler's neck, leaving small kisses down the side, slowly getting harsher with each one, purposely trying to leave marks. Josh's dominate side showing through. Showing everyone that Tyler was his.

Josh slowly got up and grabbed his belt buckle, taking his time undoing it, knowing it drove the younger boy crazy. Once he finished, he unzipped his jeans letting the sound drag out, just to tease. He quickly rid himself of his shirt also, leaving him in just his Calvin's, he began slowly palming himself through the fabric. Josh let out a moan.

The younger boy was beyond frustrated, but knowing all this teasing was a lighter punishment then something he had put Josh through, compared to that this was easy.

Josh quickly felt himself hardening and he glanced at Tyler, who was watching his every move.

"Are you ready?" Josh questioned stepping out of his Calvin's.

"Daddy, I've been waiting for a while, I'm more than ready" he breathed out.

Without warning Josh slowing sunk into Tyler's ass, groaning loudly, his eyes shut, all the teasing had got them both worked up.

Tyler was in pure bliss, his head digging into the pillow, clawing at the bed sheets as he moaned loudly.

Josh pulled out and pushed back in using more force this time. Grabbing Tyler's thighs, he started going at a faster pace.

Tyler was in so much pleasure, his hand going in front of himself, grasping his leaking red length, he slowly started to touch himself trying to get himself over the edge. Holding back a groan as Josh thruster faster, Tyler was close.

"Moan for daddy" Josh barely got out before Tyler had already let out loud moans, his eyes rolling back and his head falling back. The force from Josh's fucking had Tyler in pure bliss.

Tyler let out a yell as he released all over the bed, his head falling down as he felt Josh pull out and release all over his back.

Despite the mess, Tyler moved to his side, facing Josh. He grinned like a mad man, Josh slowly moved over, all sweaty, trying to catch his breath as he looked at his babyboy.

Josh leaned in a pecked his cheek. "Mine" he whispered and Tyler nodded. He knew never to dance with strangers again, even if it ended up with the best sex of his life.

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