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A/N: I'm sorry in advance for how sad this is and slight trigger warning later in the chapter so do not read if you're not comfortable doing so.

'Tyler you don't understand, it wasn't like that' Josh said with sadness and regret written all over his face. 'Then what was it like Josh, you just happened to sleep with him, and you just happened to hide it from me?' Tyler replied angrily. Josh turned quiet. 'That's what I thought, now can you please get out, I don't want to see you right now' Tyler added. Josh decided not to protest and got up and left the apartment they shared together. Tyler slammed the door in Josh's face. Josh slid down leaning against the door, and he started sobbing. He knew what he done was wrong, and he regretted it so much, but he needed to try and tell Tyler that, but Josh knew that's what happened with Tyler's last relationship, and that made him feel so much worse and he levelled with the fact Tyler didn't want to hear him out. But that didn't stop him from trying.

Tyler tried his hardest to not let it get to him, but he kept thinking about the fact that the one person he loved and trusted the most would do something to hurt him so much. He decided to let all his hurt and anger out, so Tyler ran too his music room, and just let it all out.

Josh's outlet was something a lot worse though. Josh knew he fucked up, he knew these next few days would determine how his relationship or what was left of it at least, with Tyler would end up. As soon as Josh made it to his family home, he broke down, he went straight to his room and knew exactly what he was looking for. It was perfect timing too for Josh, his mom was still at work, and she wasn't expecting him home anyway, his dad was always working and his siblings were off doing whatever people their age do. Josh found the box still hidden in the same place he's had it for several years, in the top right corner under his bed behind a cardboard box. Josh promised himself he wouldn't ever cut again, but he also promised Tyler he'd never hurt him. Josh locked his bedroom door, and called tried calling Tyler once more.
'Tyler, baby, I'm sorry, I was drunk, it really meant nothing, I know nothing I say will make it right but I need to try, please call me, I need you, I love you, I'm sor-'  the machine cut off. Tyler refused to answer his phone, but as soon as he received it, he listened to the voicemail. He knew by his voice that Josh was crying, and he knew when Josh cried he usually over thought things, Tyler jumped up from his position on the couch and grabbed his car keys. He's known Josh long enough to know he'd always do something bad when he began to over think things.

Tyler let out a cry as soon as he walked into Josh's old bedroom, on the floor crying, was where his boyfriend lay, his hands covered in blood, Tyler gasped and helped Josh up. 'Josh it's okay, I'm sorry, it wasn't your fault, I should've listened to you and know this is all my fault' Tyler cried. 'Don't blame you-yourself, I love you Tyler' Josh hiccuped, in his state of drowsiness from loss of blood. 'I love you too, so much' Tyler sobbed into his shoulder. Tyler sat Josh onto his bed and tried to wipe the blood from his hands, Tyler walked into the hallway to get a towel. And that's when he heard a bang. Josh had collapsed. Tyler ran to his boyfriends side and dialled 911 as quickly as humanly possible. 'Please be okay Josh, I'm sorry, this is my fault, I love you, please, please be okay'' Tyler whispered to the almost lifeless body of Josh.

'It's been exactly 6 months since you died, and I still can't forgive myself. I don't think I've ever been so depressed.

Joshua William Dun, you were the light of my life, my happiness, the love of my life, and now you're gone because of me. Our last words together were 'I love you' and I hope you know I still stand true to that statement, everyday without you has been hell on earth, you were my lifeline, you were my saviour, and I let you go. So why should I bother staying alive, you were the only thing that mattered to me anyway.

So I guess I'll see you soon Josh, I hope you've saved me a place up there. And I hope you still love me
- Tyler.

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