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A/N: Tyler is a top in this I'm sorry let me live I just wanted to see if it would work, personally I think Josh tops, (because he does), but I wanted to try something different.
Minor smut warning.

The show was quite possible the longest of Josh's whole life, he knew as soon as they were alone he would have Tyler on his knees, but of course it was Tyler's fault, for teasing him right before they had to go on stage, leaving him all hot and bothered Tyler laughed and ran out, leaving Josh to try and hide his boner from the thousands of fans watching them. Josh stayed hidden behind his drums so luckily it wasn't too hard, but he knew he'd make Tyler pay when they got back to their hotel. But that had to wait as they had a show to play.

Two long and tiring hours later, the boys ran off stage, Tyler ran ahead of Josh into his dressing room, with Josh in tow. Within seconds of entering the room, Josh had Tyler up against the wall. 'Eager, are we?' Tyler smirked. Josh didn't answer but instead kissed Tyler, who quickly reacted by wrapping his arms around Josh's neck and tugging at his hair. Josh deepened the kiss and Tyler moaned. Which made it almost impossible but, Josh pulled away. Disappointment crossed Tyler's face and Josh smirked, 'you're going to have to wait babyboy, just like you made me wait' Josh whispered leaning in to whisper it to Tyler. Tyler grunted but reluctantly agreed. 'Okay fine, but I'll be waiting'. Josh smiled in triumph and kissed Tyler's cheek and ran off to his own dressing room. Tyler sighed trying to think about ways to tease Josh more, just to get on his nerves, and he knew exactly how to do it.

The next time the boys were acquainted with each other, was on their way to the hotel, Tyler smirked when Josh came into his view, Josh hadn't noticed him so Tyler ran up next to him and slapped his ass. Josh's head whipped around, 'it's only me' Tyler said trying to hide his laughter. Josh smirked and grabbed Tyler's hand, 'just wait until later, and that will be you babe' he said the smirk not leaving his face, Tyler didn't say anything, and Josh walked ahead acting innocent, Tyler smirked, Josh knew what he was doing was turning Tyler on, but that's what made it more fun for Tyler to deny him of what he really wanted. Josh wanted Tyler, and they both knew it.

The temptation to just stop teasing Josh and give in was almost impossible to not to give in too, but Tyler knew it would be worth it. Josh was always the dominant one in the relationship, and as much as Tyler enjoyed it, he wanted a turn. Both boys knew what was going on now, and the sexual tension between them could be cut with a knife. But somehow they managed to control themselves until they made it back to the hotel.

Tyler kicked open bedroom door as quick as humanly possible, not hiding the fact he was eager. Josh smirked, he loved how easily he could make Tyler like that. Suddenly, Tyler had Josh pinned up against the nearest wall, their mouths inches apart, 'Tyler, are you going to kiss me or just leave my hanging' Josh surprised by Tyler's actions, asked almost pleading the younger boy to kiss him. 'Oh I'm going to do a lot more than just kiss you Josh, just wait' Tyler smirked. Josh didn't know what to say, Tyler letting his dominant side show, was not something Josh was used to.
But he loved it. Without warning Tyler connected their lips, and then moments later, he pulled away and was ordering Josh to get on his knees. Josh unbuckled Tyler's belt and could see his erection through his jeans. Josh smirked and felt himself growing excited. Tyler had his hands tugging at Josh's hair as he began palming Tyler. Tyler moaned and then he felt Josh's lips around him. Tyler smirked he really could get used to being to dominant one.

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