First Date

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a/n: i'm sorry but i think this is cute

Josh stood nervously playing with the collar of his shirt waiting for Tyler to open the door. Josh finally worked up the courage to ask the younger boy out a few days before, and he had been excited for it ever since. It was going to be their first official date and Josh wanted to make it perfect. He knew he needed to impress Tyler so he was going to do something terribly cliche but he had a feeling Tyler would enjoy it. At least he hoped he would anyway. After a minute or two the door opened and Josh was met with the sight of Tyler, wearing a dark blue button up shirt and black jeans. Josh smiled at him. 'Hi' Tyler said smiling enthusiastically. Josh chuckled 'Hey Ty' he replied.

'What do you want?' Josh asked turning around to face Tyler, 'whatever you think' he answered. 'You shouldn't trust me with this decision' Josh said grinning at Tyler. 'I already have Josh' Tyler said mirroring Josh's smile.

'Two reece's ice-cream's please then' Josh asked the woman behind the counter who looked amused at the boys' exchange.

'So what is it about you?' Josh asked glancing at Tyler who was sat beside him as their legs hung over the edge of the bridge. 'What do you mean?' Tyler asked confused. 'I don't think anyone I've ever met has compared to you Tyler, I've been trying my hardest to find a flaw in you but their is none.' Josh replied staring at Tyler. He smiled, 'Josh, there's a lot you don't know about me, because I don't like to tell people, and what I don't tell, their my flaws, well at least most people would think trying to kill yourself is a flaw, don't know about you'. Josh gasped. 'I have no idea why, and I don't want to pester you about it, but Tyler Robert Joseph I swear to god if you ever attempt or even think about killing yourself ever again, you better fucking tell me so I can kill you instead, don't ever feel like that's the only solution because it's not' Josh said ranting. Tyler didn't say anything but instead kissed Josh. 'Thank you' he whispered to Josh. Josh wrapped his arms around him and just held him there, the two of them freezing in the cold weather, their feet almost touching the water beneath them, but they didn't care, they were both happy, and that's al that mattered to them.

Josh drove Tyler home, they sat in silence the whole way, the only sound heard was the beating rain against the window, and the occasional sigh from either one of the boys that their date had to end. The nervous feeling had left Josh hours prior, but now he felt a different nervous, he felt butterflies. They arrived at Tyler's house, Josh got out of the car and followed Tyler to the door. Tyler took his keys out of his pocket and Josh stood their watching him. 'Thank you for tonight Josh, it was the best night I've had in a while' Tyler said breaking the comfortable silence. 'That's quite aright Tyler, it was my pleasure' Josh said not breaking eye contact. 'If you're not busy next weekend, I think it's my turn to take you out next' Tyler said hoping Josh would agree to it, 'if you want to of course though' he added
'I would love too' Josh said smiling like a cheshire cat. 'I don't want to leave you yet' Tyler said putting his keys back into his pocket. 'Follow me' he said taking Josh's hand and pulling him towards the back of his house. 'This way' he mumbled, making sure not to trip over anything as the walked through the forrest. Josh was confused and excited at where they were going, and he was glad their date wasn't quite over yet.

'How did you find this place' Josh asked Tyler as he sat down under a tree next to Tyler. 'I was just walking along one day, and I ended up here, it's beautiful, it's the only part of the forrest where you can perfectly see the sky' Tyler said talking Josh's hand in his once again. Tyler leaned his head on Josh's shoulder, both of them wanting nothing more then their date to never end. Tyler lifted his head, and kissed Josh, 'I never want to not be able to do that' he said smiling. 'Well that's good because you better get used to me' Josh said barely above a whisper. 'Oh I sure will Josh, I sure will' he replied after a moment. Josh just smiled, he never wanted it to end.

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