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a/n: i'm sorry let me live, i know Josh tops but i wanted to try this.

Tyler was so, frustrated. Josh was being a tease like always, but this time it was in front of a huge crowd. One of their biggest yet.

Yet, here Josh was, shirtless, sweaty and 'subtly' rubbing up against him. And Tyler being in the situation he was, he had to try and maintain himself.

During the last song, Tyler was relieved. He sung his heart out, playing each chord right, hitting each note he intended to and Josh, obviously hitting every beat. This probably being one of their best concerts yet.

Tyler was thinking of all the ways he could award his red-headed boyfriend, but then he remembered the teasing, suddenly the good job praise turned into a harsh punishment.

"Thanks for tonight everyone, it's probably been one of our best crowds yet." Tyler yelled towards the crowd, always saying that at each concert, but then again, they all were the best.

They did a bow, and Tyler subtle pulled Josh out of the public eye, making it look like he was just leading him out while holding his back.

Once on the side of the stage getting "good jobs" and pats on the back, Tyler looked at Josh in the eye and whispered in a stern voice. "I hope you know you're in trouble when we get  back."

Tyler grabbed Josh's shoulder and pushing him towards the exit. But Tyler didn't plan on leaving yet, he took his time making sure Josh knew he was being serious.

"You know, you made it very hard on daddy tonight, and that means punishment" Tyler said lowly into the drummers ear, slowly moving his hand down Josh back, Tyler squeezed Josh's ass hard, sure he was being rough, but Josh loved it when Tyler was dominant.

"You know the rules, be back in the bus in 5 minutes" Tyler said and Josh nodded obeying.

Minutes after, Tyler was anxious knowing his pink haired boyfriend was waiting for him on the bus. He soon finished saying his goodbyes to everyone and practically ran towards the bus.

He hopped up the steps of the bus, two at a time. He walked towards the back of the bus where their bed was located. Tyler began stepping heavily, making his steps known.

Pushing the door open, he was met with a very hot sight. The muscular boy sitting on his knees in nothing but his Calvins, waiting for him.

Tyler knew his eyes had darkened and he wanted to ravished the boy. Completely tire him out and use him as his own personal sex toy.

Josh smirked and Tyler walked to the bed, the only noise being heard was Tyler's footsteps and Josh's deep breathes. Tyler was hoping no fans were outside the bus in the hopes of meeting the boys.

"On your hands and knees" Tyler basically growled at Josh, Josh quickly got into position and Tyler slowly sat on the bed next to him.

"Count for daddy. Then just maybe you'll be able to touch." Tyler said taking of his shirt.

Josh groaned knowing not being able to touch was going to hurt so he nodded.

"Remember the safe word?" Tyler asked softly, no matter what, never wanting to make his baby uncomfortable.

Tyler rested his hand against Josh's lower back, he slowly moved it, hovering it above Josh's ass, he moved it back down fast. Josh

Josh nodded, getting excited, well even more excited then he already was.

Tyler rested his hand against Josh's lower back, he slowly moved it, hovering it above Josh's ass, he moved it back down fast. Josh grunted in response.

"O-one" he moaned. Tyler smirked.

Not long later, both Josh and Tyler were losing count. "H-how long left until I can touch you" Josh stuttered. "Oh baby, this is only the beginning of your punishment." Tyler said grinning widely.

Josh moaned in protest, or pleasure, he wasn't quite sure. Either way, he wasn't going to tease Tyler as much as he'd like to.

Joshler One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now