This one is for you

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a/n: this is unedited and was written in ten minutes so if there are mistakes, pretend there's not.

Tyler strummed the last line of 'we don't believe what's on tv. The crowd screamed. A small smile made its way onto his face, he turned his head slightly to the left, and found his inspiration behind the song he had just sung. Joshua Dun. Josh made eye contact with his (secret) boyfriend of almost a year, and smiled widely. Not wanting to make the fans any more suspicious than they already were of the two, Tyler quickly turned back to face the crowd and began to play the next song.

The two men bowed, and ran off the stage. Merely seconds after they'd noticed the door to their shared dressing room, Tyler's lips met Josh's. Tyler's hands found their way to the handle of the door, he opened it and almost fell into the room, without disconnecting himself from Josh. A skill he'd now mastered, as after shows this was a usual occurrence. Josh shut the door with his foot, and he hastily pulled away. Sweaty and out of breath from everything that had just happened, Josh took a seat on the nearest couch, and pulled Tyler down on top of him. Their lust for each other had soon hidden itself away, when they heard a knock at the door. With furrowed eyebrows, Tyler stood up confused as to who it could be, neither of them expecting anyone - the crew had known about the two boys for about six months after their tour manager had awkwardly caught them in one of their most intimate moments, with Tyler on his knees, it left Josh to explain and soon after everyone else had found out, and since then had known not to disturb the two after a show.

Tyler opened the door and was met with a starstruck, blushing teenager. "Uh wow, h-hi I wasn't expecting you to answer b-" Tyler interrupted the girl "you shouldn't be back here, and I don't know how you made it passed security but I'm impressed so you have two minutes and are allowed a picture with each of us." Surprised by his authority the girl nodded. "I'm so sorry. I just had to take my chance, you guys changed my life for the better and I met my girlfriend through our shared love for your band so I needed to meet you guys." Tyler smiled, silently patting himself on the back for not making a gay comment, and outing himself, or his boyfriend who had yet to greet their guest. "It's our pleasure really" Tyler put his hand on her shoulder to show her he meant it, and she hugged him back. "Thank you for giving me the courage to keep going and figuring myself out and accepting who I am" she said into his chest. He hugged her tighter but let go as Josh approached. They greeted each other, found someone to take a picture of the three of them and the girl soon left, but not without telling the boys how great they'd be as a couple, which made Josh blush furiously and Tyler bite his lip. These actions spilled their secret to the girl, who never even mentioned her name, and confirmed her suspicions that they were actually a couple, yet she never told another soul. Which in hindsight wouldn't have made any difference in the boys' lives, as most of the fans too, knew the boys were together or at least had feelings for each other but didn't announce it publicly.

The boys had their first day off in two weeks, rather than going out and exploring the new city they were in, they stayed in together and played Mario kart. After being beaten for the second time in a row, Josh huffed in defeat and out his controller down. "Hey Ty, remember that girl from a couple of weeks ago?" Josh questioned, hoping his somewhat forgetful boyfriend would remember when a somewhat stalker-ish fan found their dressing room. "How could I forget?" He chuckled back, not knowing where their conversation was going. "If she thinks we'd make a great couple, surely everyone else will" Josh spoke, giving Tyler one of his best smiles, knowing his anxiety-ridden boy was afraid to tell the world about their relationship. "I just need some time." Tyler whispered, standing abruptly up, and walking out of their hotel room, ending their conversation. Josh winced, he didn't mean to upset Tyler, or at least he thought that's what he had done.

Tyler made his way to their production team, making sure they knew he'd be changing up the set-list and playing 'we don't believe what's on tv' as their last song for the night, rather than 'Trees' or 'Goner.' Once he made sure the crew knew what was going on, he made his way back to the hotel, but not before stopping off at the nearest Taco Bell to get he and Josh their favorites.

When Tyler arrived back to the hotel room, he was greeted with a somewhat worried looking Josh. Confused, he held up the two take-out bags of food and smiled at Josh. Sighing in relief, Josh kissed his boyfriend longingly, and without saying anything else, he took the food from him. Without even needing to speak, they both knew, the other was okay, and Tyler having Josh exactly where he wanted him - completely clueless about the surprise Tyler had planned for him the following night.

This was it. Tyler's hands shook as he prepared to change his life forever really. He was going to tell the world about himself and Josh. He finished playing the second last song of the night, and right on cue, the lights of the arena dimmed, just as planned. Josh gave Tyler a somewhat worried, lost glance, but when Tyler nodded at him signaling he knew what was wrong, Josh was okay. Lowering the tone of his voice at least an octave "if everyone could please, turn on their phone torch and hold it up" Tyler asked the audience. Screaming was heard as they obeyed, and Tyler let out a breath. "We're gonna slow it down for our ending tonight, because Josh, baby, this one is for you."

And just before Tyler could play the first note, one voice was heard from the crowd, "I FUCKING KNEW THEY WERE TOGETHER, I KNEW IT." Tyler chuckled, and nodded in response, "that's right, we're together."And with that, the song begun, and now officially their lives together had too.

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