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a/n: this is random i'm sorry.

Tyler parked his car in the parking spot he always chose, in the front, so he didn't have to walk a long way. He smiled to himself, thinking of Josh as his eyes glittered. He was always thinking of that amazing drum boy, he never took his mind off Joshua William Dun. Tyler walked in front of a car and didn't even know, they honked, the noise frightened Tyler and he ran to the other side of the sidewalk. He sighed, they flipped him off and drove away. Tyler shook his head and continued walking into the store. He needed some food.

Josh walked out of the store. He had some grocery bags in his hands as he walked to his car and clicked the keys. Getting into the car, putting the grocery bags onto the passenger seat, he started the car. It roared loudly, he looked behind himself and started backing out of the parking spot.


A car came out of nowhere and Josh but it. He gasped and turned off his engine. "Tyler?" Josh questioned.

An old lady stepped out of the car. "Oh I'm really sorry, I will pay for all of it." Josh said raising his eyebrows. "You better, young man!" She replied sternly. "I- I didn't see you.." Josh said trying to reason. "Stop making excuses, I'll give you my information." Josh rolled his eyes.

Tyler walked out of the store and noticed Josh. He gasped, "Josh?" Tyler questioned running over to the scene as the old lady was cursing up a storm at Josh. Tyler acted fast, "excuse me, is there a problem here?" He asked. "Well, this young man hit me with his car and he claims not to have seen me!" She said looking at Tyler. "Well, I didn't!" Josh chimed in. "Alright, everyone just calm down, no one was hurt, Josh just let her give you her information and leave it alone." Tyler said walking closer to him. The old lady huffed and walked off back to her car, she drove off, tired of the bickering, almost running Tyler over in the process.

"Thanks Tyler." Josh said letting out a breath. "Anytime, Josh, say I need a ride home, can you please give me one?" Tyler asked pleadingly. He nodded enthusiastically. "Get in!" Josh started the car and Tyler sat next to him twiddling with his thumbs. "What's wrong, Ty?" Josh asked noticing. Tyler took a deep breath.

"I-I think I have feelings for y-you" Tyler stuttered. Josh was stunned. Tyler braced himself for a bad response. "I have feelings for you too" Josh said smiling. "Well" Tyler began in a pitched voice, "since you owe me one" Tyler added, "how about you do me a favour" He smirked, moving his hands from his lap and placing them on Josh's. Josh raised his eyebrows, Tyler, who was growing confidence, leaned closer to Tyler and pressed his lips to Josh's. "Pleaseeee?" He asked biting his lip and pulling away. Josh smirked slightly, "hmm, you might have to wait a while Tyler." Josh said nodding his head towards the parked car in Tyler's driveway that belonged to his sister. Tyler huffed. "You better be ready for me as soon as she leaves." Tyler said as Josh slowed the car to a halt. "Yes, sir" Josh said, thinking nothing of it until he noticed Tyler blushing. "Oooooh, somebody likes that do they?" Josh teased. "W-what no." Tyler said opening to car door. Josh pulled him back by his collar, "oh don't worry, I don't mind it." He whispered, kissing him lightly behind his ear. Tyler smiled and kissed his cheek. "Lets go and entertain my sister while I think about fucking you." Tyler said, hastily unbuckling his seatbelt and hopping out of the car.

Two, non-sex filled hours later, Tyler shut the door, waving goodbye to his sister, barely turning around Josh had him up against the door kissing him. "I know you asked me for a ride home, but I'm about to ask you for a different ride." Josh smirked slightly. Tyler bit his lip and nodded. They both knew exactly where this was headed.

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