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a/n; if you didn't sing ghost by halsey the whole time whilst reading this you can kindly escort yourself out, there's the window, go jump. also i kind of just randomly ended it because i was too lazy to write anymore, i'm sorry.

I sigh and look to my left, there fast asleep, was none other than my boyfriend Tyler, sorry, should I say ex-boyfriend. He looked so uncomfortable, I would move him, but I kind of y'know, can't. It really is one of the downsides of being a ghost. One of many. It's not all bad though, I don't have to socialise, since I can't really, which helps an introvert like me, and I like to be alone.

But after a while, being lonely gets tiring, even if I live in an apartment with the man I love, although it doesn't help that he doesn't know I exist, not anymore at least.

I'm not dead a long time, two years or so, wasn't a horrible death, what came after was much worse. I was stuck here, having to watch my boyfriend go through the many stages after the death of someone you love; grief, anger, loneliness and longing for them to come back, all the time while I couldn't do a single thing. I couldn't speak, well at least I couldn't be heard, there's very few things I can touch, the odd time maybe move something. I'm still trying to figure out how to get Tyler's attention, I've tried every trick in the book, flickering lights, cold spots, even slamming door and moving things ever-so slightly, yet he hasn't noticed yet. That's definitely the biggest downfall, not being able to communicate with Tyler.

Tyler moves in his sleep, which causes me to jump with fright; ironic I know, a ghost being afraid of a living person, anyway, me being the clumsy person I am, I jolt backwards, placing my hand on the table behind me, knocking over everything on it.

Tyler shoots up like a light, staring right through me and looking at all the items currently laying on the floor; his meds, his phone and what seems to be a lighter. He shakes his head, "I must've knocked it over by accident," he mutters quietly, "yeah," he adds, sounding as if he was trying to convince himself.

He goes to lay back down, but can't seem to get comfortable so he stands up and goes to pick up all his items on the floor. "Sorry, Ty." I say, smiling slightly. I know he can't hear me, yet I still try.

He freezes, and I do the same. "J-Josh?" He stutters barely audible. My head shoots up. "Ty, Ty can you hear me?" I asked, butterflies forming in my stomach. Tyler lifts his head and his eyes meet mine, I stare in awe, and he blinks slowly. "I really need sleep," he says, shaking it off and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Maybe next time," I say to myself and slowly trail behind Tyler, who had now moved from the couch and was walking towards our bedroom, well now his bedroom.

I watched him sleep, like I did every night, and no it's not like the way Edward watches Bella sleep, because for one I am not a vampire, it was much more than that. It was a way for me to remember everything we had together, everything we did. Or anytime I'd wake up in the middle of the night, I'd watch him sleep from the exact same chair I'm seated in now, except the only difference now is he doesn't wake up and in his tired voice ask me to come back over and keep him warm.

I didn't notice I was crying until I felt wet tears stream down my cheeks, and my face heating up. This wasn't something unusual for me, sometimes it would all get too much for me; the loneliness, the feeling of guilt for not being there for Tyler when he needed me, the sadness, of not ever being able to hold my boyfriend in my arms again, or tell him how much I love him, I never even got to say goodbye.

Then, as I sat there, silently sobbing to myself in the dark of the night, it hit me. All I needed to do was write a note.

Which indeed, seems like a lot, considering the longest I've ever kept in contact with an inanimate object, that I held, was under twenty seconds. But I'm sick of it. It's been two years, all I need to do, is believe.

Several failed attempts at even finding a pen and paper later, I was now almost halfway through my second word, "I lo-" it read. I rolled my eyes. If only I hadn't have died, life would be so much easier. If only I weren't a ghost, and Tyler could see, or hear, or even just feel my presence. But nope, but that's just another one of the downsides, to being a ghost.

Ten minutes later, I sighed in relief and dropped the pen. I'd given up with the last word of the note, finishing it off reading, "I love u." I felt a wave of excitement and what felt like fear rush over me. After all this time I'd finally been able to make my boyfriend aware of my presence, and I wasn't even sure if he'd believe me. I walked, or should I say floated towards our - I mean his bedroom door and with everything left in me, I slowly pushed it open.

My heart ached at the sight of my boyfriend, his hair disheveled and body spread across the bed. I missed him. I slowly creeped over towards him, and placed the note on the bedside table to the left of the bed. I stuck it right next to a picture of the two of us, hoping somehow he might connect the two. I closed my eyes and let out a breath. I really hope this works, I thought to myself and then I placed myself at the end of the bed and watched Tyler sleep for the rest of the night.

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