I Promise

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a/n: i'm sorry for how bad this is but let me live, i'm running out of ideas.

'But Joshhhhhhh' Tyler whined. 'Tyler for the third time, you can't come with me, I'm sorry baby but I'm not out to my family yet' Josh said trying to reason with his boyfriend. 'But I just want to finally be able to tell people we're together, I've wanted to be with you for so long and now that I am it doesn't even feel like it because we have to keep it a secret' Tyler moaned. 'Tyler, I promise you when you arrive, we can tell everybody, besides, most of the clique already think we're together' Josh said closing the suitcase he just packed. 'I know, I just wish we didn't have to wait another week' Tyler sighed. 'I know baby, but I promise I'm going to tell them, besides, you'll be visiting there with me so they'll know we're serious about this' Josh said trying to be optimistic. 'That's true, I wish I didn't have to wait though, I'm going to miss you Josh' Tyler said walking towards his boyfriend and wrapping his arms around him. 'I'm going to miss you too Ty' Josh said kissing the younger boys forehead. 'Just one me week' Josh whispered. 'Okay' Tyler finally agreed.
'One more week' Tyler mumbled.

Tyler missed Josh, it was stupid since he had only been gone four days but he still missed him. Tyler knew though as soon as he flew home to Ohio he and Josh could finally be together, publicly that is. And Josh, Josh still hadn't told his family about him and Tyler's relationship. He debated on waiting until Tyler was with him so they could tell them together, Josh couldn't decide so he called Tyler.

'Hey Ty' Josh said quietly into the phone. 'Hi Josh' Tyler said smiling. 'I miss you baby' Josh said to his boyfriend. 'I miss you too Josh, only three more days though' Tyler replied. 'Yeah, I was going to ask you, do you want to tell my family with me?' Josh asked silently hoping Tyler would agree so he wouldn't have to do it alone. 'That's a good idea' Tyler agreed. 'Good' Josh sighed in relief, 'Josh, I don't want to but I'm going to have to hang up now because I was just about to start packing when you called, and you know how long it takes me to pack' Tyler said. 'Oh trust me, I know, I'll let you go then, I love you Tyler' Josh said laughing quietly. 'I love you too' Tyler said and then he hung up. Josh sighed happy that he wouldn't have to come out with such a big thing to his family alone. But what he didn't know is he already had. Sort off.

Josh strolled down the stairs into the kitchen to be met with his youngest sister. 'Hey Abigail' he said walking past her and opening the fridge. 'Josh' she began. The older boy turned around and gave her a confused look, 'yes?' he questioned. 'Can you please explain to me why you haven't told any of us that you're with Tyler' she said with a straight face. Josh gasped. 'H- how did you know?' he stuttered. 'You talk loudly' she said standing up. Josh didn't know how she felt about it yet, curiosity got the best of him. 'Well, yeah it's true' he said slowly. She smiled. 'Finally' she said walking towards her sibling. 'I've seen how you two look at each other, you guys should've gotten together a long time ago' she said wrapping her arms around Josh. He smiled, relief washed over him. 'We really should've' he laughed and hugged her back. 'Have you told the rest of the family yet?' Josh asked. 'No, I didn't want to spoil it for them, but something tells me they won't be upset about it' she hinted. 'Tyler and I are telling them together so I hope they wont be' he said curious to what his sister meant. He decided to just forget about it, it probably wasn't important anyway.

'Abigail was right' Josh said sitting down next to his boyfriend. 'What do you mean' Tyler asked. 'She said the rest of my family wouldn't be upset when they found out, and they are far from being upset' Josh said taking Tyler's hand in his. 'Well I'm glad, because now I can finally do this without caring who sees' Tyler said turning to face Josh. 'Who sees what?' Josh was confused. Tyler kissed him before he had time to think about it. Tyler pulled away quickly and smiled. They heard a chorus of 'Awhh's', the two boys turned around and all of Josh's family, were standing in the doorway, who obviously their exchange. Tyler blushed and Josh smiled, 'you all better get used to that' he said smiling at them.

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