An Experience

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A/N: I'm not good at this I'm sorry, let me live

If one thing was known by most people, is that Joshua Dun was not someone to be messed with. But Tyler, was not most people. Tyler was the new kid, who dared to approach Josh after he pushed past him in the school hallway and made his books fall to the floor. 'Hey, watch it' Tyler called after Josh who continued to walk. Josh slowed his pace, 'you're gonna regret that kid' he said, Tyler snorted and turned away. Then suddenly he was being pushed up against a locker with Josh's hands on each of his shoulders. 'You may be new here, but I'm sure you've heard I'm not to be messed with, pull a stunt like that again and that will be the last thing you ever do' Josh spat. '
Josh, you don't need to threaten me, I know your secret, and it's okay' Tyler said and then pushed Josh off him. He began to walk away and then whispered to Josh, 'I know you like boys'. Josh gasped but didn't say anything. 'I do too' Tyler added. And with that, Tyler scampered off before Josh could do any real damage to him, Tyler knew he was only messing with Josh, but he didn't expect that reaction, 'could Josh be gay?' Tyler thought as he made his way towards his English Literature class. He pushed the thought away as he approached the door, he could focus on that later.

Tyler was sat outside on the bleachers when Josh came into his view, 'oh not again' Tyler said to himself as Josh began approaching him.
'Joseph, meet me behind the school 10 minutes before class starts, I expect you to be there' Josh shouted. Reluctantly Tyler agreed as he knew if he didn't Josh would do something to him. What had he gotten himself into, Josh was probably going to kill him.

Tyler stood leaning against the wall behind the school, checking his watch every second, hoping for some reason Josh would decided to just not show up. At exactly 10 minutes before class, Josh arrived. 'No talking' was the only thing Josh said, and yet again, had Tyler pushed up against something, but as Tyler braced himself to get hit, he felt Josh's presence closer to him, he opened his eyes and was met with Josh's. Tyler stood confused but didn't let his guard down. Josh stepped back and Tyler stood glued to his spot. Josh had by now moved his hands from Tyler's shoulders, and they were on his hips. Tyler raised his eyebrows at Josh but still didn't say anything. Tyler closed his eyes and then he felt something, it was Josh, kissing him. Tyler didn't know what else to do but kiss him back, so he did. Tyler wrapped his arms around the older boys neck and melted into the kiss. Josh deepened the kiss, which resulted in Tyler moaning. Josh pulled away, 'Lets go somewhere else' Josh said quietly. Tyler nodded his head and was surprised when Josh took his hand and dragged him towards his car rather than to class, but the bell had rang so they were late, there was no point in going.

After what seemed like the longest car journey ever, they arrived at what seemed to be Josh's apartment. 'Do you live here alone?' Tyler asked Josh letting his curiosity get the best of him. 'Tyler the reason why people are afraid of me, is because I put up a guard, because the last time I let my guard down, was when I came out to my parents, and I got kicked out' Josh answered as they got out of the car. 'Okay, just making sure' Tyler replied trying to imply that he wanted Josh. Which seemed to have worked because suddenly Josh kicked open the door and had Tyler's mouth on his before they even made it inside. Tyler felt his dick twitch as Josh pushed his hips against Tyler's. Suddenly Josh pulled away and was tugging at the hem of Tyler's shirt while working on unbuttoning his own. Tyler moaned when Josh finally got his shirt off, not disappointed with the fact that Josh obviously worked out judging by his abs. They wasted no more time and were quickly in Josh's bedroom.

A/N: minor smut warning.

Tyler was baffled at how they ended up there, but he wasn't complaining about it. He was also extremely grateful to the fact that Josh lived alone also, he really wouldn't have liked being caught in the situation he was in. Josh had Tyler on his knees, and his hands tugging at his hair as Tyler was sucking on his dick. Neither of them cared that hours before they hated each other, or they should've been in school at that moment, Tyler stood up, and kissed Josh, all they had in that moment was each other, and that's all they needed, Josh sat down on the edge of his bed, not disconnecting his and Tyler's lips for a second. Tyler realised what Josh wanted, so he did exactly that. Tyler sat down on Josh's dick, and Josh began to moan. Tyler was sliding up and down and and Josh's moans got louder. Tyler smirked and connected his lips with Josh's neck. Tyler and Josh both knew he'd have a hard time covering the mark Tyler was leaving on his neck, not that Josh cared, it would start up rumours, but they would both know no-one would even think it was them, not that they were hiding anything, they just didn't particularly want people knowing they fucked just a week after first meeting each other, but sure, it was an experience, that Josh and Tyler both had together a lot more after that too.

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