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a/n: i wanted to try something different and i hope it makes sense. also this will be my last update ever. i've had a good run with these stories but writing one shots just isn't for me anymore. thank you to everyone who's read, liked or commented. i'm out.

Bold - Josh
Italics - Tyler
Normal - third person

November 10th 11:03pm
I'm sorry.
We're done.

November 11th 12:27am
Please tell me that doesn't mean what I think it does.

Josh please, what about us.

You know exactly what it means Tyler. There is no more us. Don't contact me again.

But I love you
READ AT 12:45am

Tyler sighed shakily. That was the first time in two years Josh hadn't said it back. He had no idea where this was coming from. He and his now ex-boyfriend had been completely fine when they were together merely hours before. Trying his hardest to keep his composure, Tyler locked his phone and threw it across his bedroom, watching it land on his bed, face (screen?) down. He spun around in his desk chair, and turned on his computer. Mistake. Tyler was greeted with his social media page, which was filled with pictures of himself and Josh. Tyler deleted the tab immediately and let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. Retreating to his bed, he picked up his phone and read the conversation again, pinching himself so he knew he wasn't dreaming, or more accurately having a nightmare.

Moments later, Tyler then finally cracked. Allowing the tears that had been brimming his eyes begging to escape, to do what they wished. His knees gave way and he fell into his pillow, which was now muffling his cry's. Not knowing how else to deal with losing his boyfriend of almost two years, and best friend of four, he allowed himself to forget about sleep that night, and let the tears fall freely for as long as necessary.

November 17 - One week since the breakup
I wish you'd just tell me why Josh. Did I do things wrong? Was I a horrible boyfriend to you? Was it just me? Because it's starting to feel that way? Maybe all of me wasn't enough for you, but you could have at least given me more reason than a few words said over text. I thought I was worth more than that to you, I really did, but you've shown me I meant nothing to you. I still love you. I'm always going to love you despite everything you've done to me. I keep seeing you everywhere I go. Your clothes are still left untouched on my bedroom floor, from the last time you stayed over less than two weeks ago. Your picture is still the background of my phone, and my mom still asks about you. Wondering why she hasn't seen you in a week, which for her must seem like eternity considering she loved you like her own. I hate you for doing this to me. But I still love you.

February 10th - Three months since the breakup
Hey J, I know it's been a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't thought about you every day, because I have. I met someone, a girl, and it's not what you're thinking - she's married. Not that if she wasn't anything would happen, my heart will always belong to you and you know it. She's been helping me a lot. I didn't realize how much I needed a distraction until one came my way. Her name is Jenna. I haven't cried over you in almost three weeks, and I'm proud of myself. Jenna doesn't agree, she thinks you never deserved my tears in the first place, which is true, but I'd never admit that to her. I hope you're doing well and not breaking anymore hearts.

Tyler stared the device in his hands, not knowing what emotion to let himself feel. On one hand, they'd been to ether for so long, he felt should allow himself more time to heal, but then on the other hand, Tyler knew deep down because of the way things had ended, Josh didn't deserve to cause Tyler anymore pain.
Sighing, Tyler threw his phone down onto the bed beneath him and let his thoughts consume him.

February 14th - three months and four days since the breakup.
I caved today, and I cried because of you. Yet again. Maybe it was seeing all the happy couples together, or maybe it was the realization that it'd be my first valentines alone in four years. Though each day I find myself missing you less, I still miss what we had. I miss the late night drives, the dates we'd have, our lazy days, our own private concerts, and most of all, I miss the love we shared. Or so I thought we did. Maybe you didn't feel it the way I did, but it sure as hell was something special. You still have my heart, but slowly I'm allowing myself to take some pieces of it back.

August 10th - nine months since the breakup
I miss you, Tyler. I miss us.

Tyler reread the notification on his phone over and over, making sure it was real. It was. After ten minutes of debating on whether or not to reply back, Tyler decided against it, and called Jenna for help.

September 10th
Hi Josh, I got your message, and clearly you got all mine from the past ten months. I want to thank you for doing what you did because I see now that I'm better off without you. You hurt me and I didn't deserve it, and then after months of nothing you contact me and have the nerve to say you miss me. Well Josh, I don't miss you, not anymore. And another I'd like to add, thank you for giving me my heart back. You didn't deserve it anyway. And in your words I'd like to finish, there is no more is, so don't contact me again.

Tyler finished the paragraph and did what he should have done a long time ago. He deleted Josh's number. And that was officially their end.

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