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a/n: i'm sorry this is probably the worst one shot i've ever done, it's rushed and there's probably a lot of mistakes but let me live.

M-mom?" Tyler asked walking as they were walking through the park together. Surprised, his mom stopped, Tyler hadn't spoken a word to her, or anyone for that matter, all day. "Yes, Tyler?" She replied, "why doesn't Josh come to school anymore?" Tyler questioned, "he said he would come back." He added. Tyler tugged on the edge of his sleeves nervously, Tyler's mom didn't know how to tell him what really happened. "Ty, let's sit down for a moment." She answered after a moment and pointing towards a bench a few meters away from them. They sat down, and Tyler opened his mouth to say something but his mom cut him off, "Josh doesn't go to school anymore because he killed himself." She said quietly. Tyler whimpered, "n-no, you're wrong, he told me he was getting better, he promised me he was!" His moms eyes met his own tear stained ones, "I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you Tyler. "I-I need to go." Tyler said standing up and running off, he didn't know where he was going, but he needed to get away.

"Tyler, please pick up, I know you're hearing these." Tyler heard his moms voicemail, he hung up and sighed. Josh promised, he promised never to leave.

Sighing, Josh lay his head on Tylers lap, "are you sure you're okay?" He asked, looking concerned. Tyler nodded, feeling bad for lying to Josh, "I want to make a promise to you, Josh" Tyler spoke for the first time in a few moments, "And what's that?" Josh asked looking up at him, "I'll never leave you, as long as you never leave me." Tyler said quietly. Josh bit his lip, knowing exactly what he meant by 'leave'. "I promise Tyler, I promise."

That was just a memory now, and so was Josh. Tyler kept running, he ran and didn't stop until he reached the place where Josh and he used to spend all their time together. The treehouse in the forest outside Joshs old house.

He climbed up the familiar rope ladder, tears falling with every step and he collapsed onto the wooden floor. He broke into a fit of sobs, "Josh you promised me! You promised me you'd never leave me and you did, how could you!" Tyler whimpered quietly. He stood up and walked around, taking in everything, it all looked the same as it had since he had first arrived, except for the note stuck to the desk. Tyler raised his eyebrows and walked over and picked up the note.

"Tyler, I knew you'd be the one to find this, and first of all, I'm sorry. Second of all, don't ever think this is your fault, because it's not, if anything, you're the one reason why I didn't do this a long time ago. And lastly, I love you, I loved you so much, and still do at the time of me writing this, but it's hurts me so much to see you with her, with that girl. And I'm the most selfish person ever for doing this to you so I could feel less pain but I had to. I love you Tyler, I wish I could've had the guts to tell you before, but I guess now you know. Please try your best to forget about me, I can't die knowing you're in pain because of me. I'm sorry for breaking our promise. Goodbye Tyler.

Tyler dropped to his knees. Josh loved him, and Tyler loved him back, yet Josh will never know. Tyler let out a cry, he couldn't forget about Josh. He couldn't ever forget about his best friend, and if he had said something before he could've been his boyfriend too. Tyler pulled the note close to his chest. "I love you too, Josh." He whispered quietly.

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