Writing a song

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a/n; was going to make this longer but i got lazy sorry lads xo

"what're you doing?"

tyler glances up from where he's been intently staring at his piano keys for the last hour and a half, pausing to smile up at josh where he's standing in the doorway.

"i'm writing a song," he explains simply, retiring his eyes back to his fingers pressing against the keys and tapping out the melody he's been trying to work the kinks out of.

josh crosses the room in a few steady, quiet steps, hovering just behind tyler and watching in silence. tyler continues to play, despite the distraction, changing one key for another as he figures out what sounds better where.

after a beat of silence broken only by the sound of the melody, josh leans himself down and presses his chest against tyler's back, kissing at the skin underneath his hair.

"how does it sound?" tyler murmurs, tilting his neck just ever-so-slightly to the right, melting underneath josh's mouth. he can't fight back a sigh as teeth sink slowly into his skin, his fingers stumbling over the ivory keys; he closes his eyes and regains his composure, beginning to play again with some difficulty as sharp canines nip at his skin.

"it sounds really nice, ty," josh praises against the shell of his ear and tyler's lips curl involuntarily up into a smile, leaning into the touch of his lips. his fingers shake just gently so as he plays a chord he's heard in his head for the past week on repeat; he thinks he's finally got the chords down perfectly, but when there's teeth nibbling at his earlobe, he slips up once more. sighing, he lays his hands flat on the keys and tilts his head back with closed eyes, resting upon josh's shoulder.

but josh quickly pulls away at the last second, and tyler almost falls over backwards. "why'd you stop?" he asks immediately, turning around only to he met with a stony-faced josh standing inches away with his arms crossed over his chest.

"don't stop playing."

tyler cocks an eyebrow, he feels the need to question him but doesn't, instead he sighs and moves back to his piano, once again placing his fingers on the familiar keys. he launches again into the same melody, and broad arms wrap softly around his waist, hands curving around the inside of his thighs. his breath hitches but he doesn't want to stop, this time, now pouring all of his focus into his fingers moving with purpose over his piano.

but that's difficult when his focus is shattered mere seconds later by lips pressing against the back of his neck, scraping teeth with just hints of trailing tongue, heavy hands pushing his thighs slowly apart. he shuts his eyes tight, refusing to lose his concentration as he taps out one key after another, his mind in a million different places all at once.

"so perfect," josh whispers, dragging his lips across the skin underneath his ear, and tyler whimpers softly, carefully slowing the melody to avoid his fingers slipping. he bites the inside of his cheek and notices his unfocused eyes staring at his piano keys as he plays a melody that now sounds entirely different that what he had originally intended.

upon closer inspection, he's been playing the wrong key, but all of his thoughts blank out when josh's teeth sink into the junction of his shoulder. his fingers stumble and he stutters out a low groan, trying to desperately correct his mistakes and keep playing; however there isn't much need, not when josh's hands are wrapping around his wrists.

his movements still and he leans back against josh's chest, panting softly as josh kisses his throat and runs his hands up and down his arms. he lifts his mouth to the shell of tyler's ear and murmurs in a low voice which is burning with arousal, "i know i told you to stop playing, but baby you're going to have to because i have other plans for us now."

tyler just nodded, he knew exactly what plans josh had and he much preferred them to what his original plan was; writing a song.

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