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A/n; I like this. The layout different than usual but I hope you enjoy.

"Josh?" Tyler asked sitting up.
"Yes, Tyler?"
"How long do you think this will all last?"
"All what, Tyler?"
"Living, breathing, thinking, loving"
"As long as we have each other, it will last, Tyler"

Tyler hummed in response, content with their exchange, he lay back down next to his boyfriend. Josh wrapped his arms around Tyler and pulled him closer.

"Why the questions?"
"Just curios, Josh"
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course, Josh"
"Do you love me?"
"With every part of me I do, Josh"
"Promise, Tyler?"
"I promise"

Now it was Josh's turn to sit up.

"Let's go out somewhere, we can't just lay on our couch all day asking questions" he said pulling on his shoes. Tyler closed his eyes. But nodded and stood up too. "Where shall we go?"
"That's a surprise" Josh said grinning.

Tyler knew exactly where they were going as soon as Josh stopped the car. They were at the old music hall where they first met. Tyler smiled, thinking about all the memories they had made since then. About all the lives they had impacted, all the shows they played, all the people they met.

"Hey Josh?"
"Do you ever miss it?"
"Miss what?"
"Twenty One Pilots"
"Tyler, why would I miss it, we're still apart of it, it just, we've grown up. We can't do that forever, as much as we'd like too."
"That's true"

"Do you want to see your surprise?" Josh asked changing the subject, it was touchy for them both. "Yes please" Tyler agreed nodding. "Well then let's go" Josh said taking off his seatbelt and hopping out of the car, almost tripping over in the process. Tyler giggled, as much as he missed the band, they'd always be Twenty One Pilots, just they don't make music anymore.

"Close your eyes."
"Just do it"
"Don't let me fall, or walk into anything"
"I won't, don't worry, Tyler"

Tyler gasped at the sight. Josh rented out the hall for the two of them, had cleaned it all up and sat right in the middle of the stage, was nothing other than Tyler's piano.

"I knew how much you missed it, so I thought why not put on one last show. For me?"
"I love you Joshua"
"I love you too Tyler"
"How did you do all this?"
"I have my ways, oh, and you still have one more surprise for after"
"Thank you Josh."

Tyler hopped up on stage and sat down behind his old friend. He blew the dust from the keys, and pressed down. God he missed it. Josh sat on the floor watching intently, the nerves building up inside him, little did Tyler know what was coming. Tyler closed his eyes and began playing. The feel off the keys under his fingertips, the sound echoing around the hall, he felt like he was experiencing everything for the first time again. And he loved it.

"Thank you"
"Tyler you don't need to, I've never heard you say that so many times before"
"It means a lot though Josh so I'm going to"
"I love you, Tyler"
"I love you too, Josh"

They had spent all afternoon in the hall, with Tyler playing for Josh, who would sometimes sing along or drum against the floor. It was something they both needed. They were now back in the car, Josh driving to yet another mysterious place.

"Tyler I swear if you say that word once more, I'll"
"You'll what, Josh?"
"I'll, I'll, I won't kiss you for the rest of today."
"You wouldn't dare"
"I'm not telling you where we are going so stop saying please"
"Fine, Josh"

Josh was lying, Tyler could've said please a million times and he'd still be kissing him on that day. Especially since he was about to do something really big. The car came to a halt, Josh again, hopped out first with Tyler following. A zoo of butterflies had been let out in his stomach, preforming in front of thousands of people was nothing compared to how he was feeling right now.

"Josh, where are we?" Tyler asked confused, looking around at the blank scenery and forests surrounding.
"Follow me down here" Josh replied, taking Tyler's hand and dragging him down a pathway into the trees.

"You're not going to kill me are you?"
"No, Tyler"
"You're so cliche"
"I had to, Josh"

For the second time that day, Tyler gasped at the sight of something Josh had planned for them. They had made their way onto a beach, which Tyler assumed appeared from nowhere because he never would've guessed it had been here before.

"I found this one day when I was a kid, I came out here for a walk and stumbled upon it"
"It's beautiful"
"It really is, Tyler"

The two boys sat down along the shore, with rolled up jeans, the water was almost at their knees when the tide arrived in. 

"Tyler, I love you, you've changed my life in so many ways, I cannot thank you enough for just being here with me and I wanted to make today special and I wanted to make it a day you wouldn't forget, so hopefully what I'm about to ask is something you won't ever forget. You mean everything to me, I want to spend all my time, living, breathing and loving with you.
Will you marry me?"

Tyler started crying, he wrapped his arms around Josh.

"Yes, a million times Josh, I'd love to marry you" He said smiling like an idiot. With Josh's expression mirroring his own, Tyler crashed their lips together.

It definitely was one surprise and say he would never ever forget.

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