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a/n: this will be my last update of this year. the next chapter will be published January 2nd

The wind was nothing but a light breeze, yet was cold enough to bite at Tyler's skin and make him shiver beneath his sweater. He stood alone in the forest, watching the snowflakes dance around him, twirling and swaying in the wind, sparkling when the light hit them just right. The white flakes seemed so alive compared to the dead forest. The leaves were gone, the setting sun cast frightening shadows through the tress that beckoned you forward, but only the foolish would dare to go.

Afraid or not, Tyler wasn't going to pass up the chance to hide away, and get some time to think. There was a lot for him to think about.

"What are you doing out there?" It was a voice he knew all too well.

Tyler jumped and whipped his head around, although he already knew it couldn't be anyone else but him. He knew he looked like a deer in headlights, or a kid who just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

"You scared me Josh."

Josh walked up behind him  and snaked his arms around his waist, nuzzling his face in the crook of Tyler's neck, he froze at his touch and held his breath as he felt Josh take in his scent. It was revolting; everything about him reminded Tyler of a snake, frightened and unpredictable. He wanted to pull away, run into the woods and go faraway, but he knew better than to.

He had to behave like he promised.

"You didn't answer my question." Josh said? irritation creeping into his tone.

He wondered if he would get angry if he told him the truth. Did he even remember their deal? Tyler didn't know what to do, so instead of answering Josh, he closed his eyes and listened to the peaceful and eerie sounds that could only be heard when you were far away from any city or town.

He had grown familiar to all the sounds that used to frighten him as a child, they were now a comfort, like a lullaby. Letting him know that there were things outside and far away from the cabin.

The wind that whistled through the newly bare trees, the owl hooting from a nearby branch, and the pack of wolves howling to one another in the mountains. A simple reminder they weren't alone out there. Unlike Tyler, who felt horribly alone.

He thought about it for a second, and decided he truly knew better than anyone what a terrible feeling was.

His breath hitched in his throat as Josh's hands suddenly moved up his body to his shoulders. As he gently placed kisses along the length of his neck. Tyler tensed up, and Josh's grip tightened and he spoke harshly this time.

"What was it you were doing? You weren't thinking of running away, were you Tyler?"

Tyler's heart was pounding erratically in his chest. He tried to relax, knowing if Josh noticed his state of panic, he'd know he was right and would become outraged. This scared him.

Tyler had been trying to work up the nerve to just leave, to run away and never return.

"I just came out to get some air, that's all" Tyler said, trying to disguise his fear.

"Don't lie to me." Josh snapped.

In one second, Tyler had had his back to him, with Josh's arms locked around him; the next thing, he was being twisted around and with a loud smack. Josh had backhanded him and let him fall to the ground. He laid at Josh's feet, cupping his face as hot tears fell down it.

The metallic taste in his mouth made him aware that the blow had caused his lip to split.

He wanted to rewind time, to go back and stop himself from ever talking to Joshua Dun. If he could just go back, he'd take back every last word that got him where he was today. He'd to anything to right his wrongs. He believed it was karma coming to get her back from taking his wonderful life for granted.

"We're miles from any sort of civilisation, so don't even think of running. I'll be inside, when you're ready to apologise, you may join me" Josh said in a flat tone, turning to go back inside the little cabin.

Tyler took his hand that was pressed against his now swollen cheek and quickly wrapped it around his ankle to stop him from going any further.

"It's, it's almost december" Tyler whimpered.

Josh huffed and looked down. "Yeah, and?"

He closed his eyes and slowly spoke, "you promised you'd bring me back in December, I've done everything you asked of me, Josh"

His eyes widened in outrage, hands clenched so hard his knuckles turning white, he looked like a mad man just then. Tyler had never been more afraid of him. "NO! After everything I've done for you?! They don't love you like I do Tyler, they don't understand! I'm not losing you again" he barked.

With that, Josh pulled free of Tyler's grip and kicked him away.

A pained and regretful look flashed through Tyler's eyes. He knew it was the fans fault, but they didn't mean to almost kill Tyler.

"Please Josh, I need to go home now." Tyler begged pathetically from the cold ground.

The cabin door slammed in response.

Tyler sat up from his position on the ground and hugged his knees to his chest. He thought about everything they did to him.

They tried to take everything from him, they bruised, bet, and broke every part of him, just for their own selfishness. But then again, so had Josh. So he was just as bad. Tyler's eyes grew dark. He stood up slowly and began limping. He didn't know how long it would take, but that was it.

He was going home.

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