Call me Josh

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A/N: this is different and I don't know if I like it or not. I hope it's good.

also this is unedited so please, if they're any mistakes, I'm sorry.

Tyler groaned as his alarm clocked chimed loudly in his ear. But he hopped up anyway and began getting ready for the day ahead of him. The only reason Tyler even bothered going to school was to see Mr Dun, his English teacher. Who also happened to be the person Tyler was crushing on. Tyler didn't hide the fact that he was crushing on him either, flirting with him when on the off chance they were alone, and Mr Dun flirted back. Which Tyler didn't complain about. He sometimes thought it was inappropriate for a student to want to fuck his teacher, but it didn't make him stop thinking about it. Besides, there was only a 4 year age gap between them. (I know there's only a few months between Tyler and Josh but oh well). And it didn't seem to bother Mr Dun with it so Tyler took advantage of that the one chance he could.

'Tyler, please stay behind for a moment, I'd like to speak to you about your test results' Mr Dun said loudly over the fidgeting of the 29 other students rushing out the door, while Tyler sat there staring intently at him. 'I already am' he replied.

The last straggler walked out, and Mr Dun shut the door. 'Mr Du-' Tyler began, 'please, call me Josh, Mr Dun makes me feel old' Josh said cutting Tyler off. 'Okay Josh, what is it you wanted to talk about' Tyler smirked. 'You didn't really want to talk about my test results, as I got 100%, so what is it Josh' he added. Josh smirked at Tyler, 'maybe I just enjoy your company' He replied. 'Well maybe you could enjoy it some more' Tyler said smirking, as he walked towards the door to lock it. 'I think I could' Josh said standing up, merely inches away from the younger boy. 'Why don't we see' Tyler said biting his lip. Josh smirked, 'one condition' Josh said, the smirk not leaving his face. 'Which is?' Tyler questioned, 'be mine?' he said. Tyler grinned, 'oh I'd love to' Josh bit his lip. Which was not a sore sight for Tyler. The younger boy connected their lips again and Josh moved so he had Tyler pushed up against his desk. Tyler jumped up so he was sitting on it and wrapped his legs around Josh's waist whilst his hands were around Josh's neck. Josh pulled away and then had his lips on Tyler's neck. Tyler could already feel the mark Josh was going to leave. And he didn't for one second regret it. Tyler pulled on Josh's hair and heard him moan. Tyler smirked. Josh stood back and stared at Tyler. Tyler studied him, which was a lot easier since he was up close to him. Tyler got lost in his eyes, Josh was beautiful. Tyler pulled Josh closer to him and waited a moment before speaking. 'Don't you think this is a bit odd' Tyler said, 'Actually no, I should but I don't' Josh replied looking confused. 'I don't either, I was just making sure you didn't' Tyler told him smiling. Their foreheads were touching and they just smiled at each other, 'hey Tyler, would you like to go out sometime' Josh said nervously. ''I really would'. Josh smiled and kissed Tyler. Suddenly, the bell rang. Tyler leaned back from Josh with a surprised look on his face. 'Did we really just spend a whole class making out' he questioned Josh, who now shared his expression, 'I think we might've' Josh said smiling. 'Well, why don't you come with me somewhere Tyler' Josh asked him. Tyler agreed and hopped off the desk. Josh fixed himself up and so did Tyler, Tyler left the room first, making sure no one was paying attention to them, which they weren't. Josh followed him a few minutes after, waiting until the halls were clear. 'I wish we didn't have to hide from everyone' Tyler said looking down. 'Me too, but you finish in a few weeks, and then we have nothing to worry about' Josh said optimistically. Tyler smiled thinking about the future. And it involved a lot of Josh.

The two boys reached the nearest library, Tyler crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows at Josh. 'You missed a full class, you need to at least educate yourself somehow, and what better way to do it then at a library with your boyfriend who also happens to be a qualified teacher. Tyler groaned, and Josh laughed. Tyler would so get him back for that.

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