Officer Dun

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a/n: i don't even know i'm sorry

"Mr Tyler Joseph, do you know why you're here today?" Josh asked, notepad in hand. Tyler leaned back in his chair, one leg crossed over the other, he shrugged nonchalantly.

"I don't know officer, why am I here? Was I being a bad boy?" Tyler asked smirking. "Have you brought me here to punish me?" He added batting his eyelashes.

Josh went red in the face and briefly turned around making sure he didn't give Tyler the satisfaction of making him flustered. Once he turned back around, calmer, he noticed Tyler had managed to move his chair a whole lot closer.

"Tyler..." Josh warned, in his most authoritative voice. Tyler pouted in response.

"What did I do this time!" Tyler exclaimed. Josh was ready to strangle himself. His relationship was already on the fucking boulders, gone past the rocks and now he's sitting in his office with a prostitute, who just so happened to be teasing him.

"Tyler, you're involved with illegal prostitution, does that make any red flags go off in that empty little head of yours?" Josh asked getting annoyed.

"Not a clue" Tyler answered and Josh was ready to kill himself.

"Tyler, illegal means bad. Prostitute means you" He said slowly and Tyler giggled nodding his head.

"I know officer asshole, I'm in college" he said and Josh's perspective on Tyler was changing, maybe he was smarter than he was letting on.

"Then why are you acting so dumb, and it's officer Dun to you" Josh replied narrowing his eyes and Tyler smirked again.

"Okay officer Dun, you know I've always loved a man in a uniform" he said and Josh frowned.

"Do you flirt with every cop who catches you?" Josh asked leaning against his desk. Tyler smiled.

"Nope, you're the first one who's ever caught me, and I'm prettier sneaky so you must be good at your job, disciplining people, and what not" Tyler said biting his lip.

Josh was ready to walk out but Tyler stopped him.

"Please officer Dun, don't you wanna punish me for being a bad boy?" Tyler taunted looking at him with an innocent expression.

"Tyler, why are you even in prostitution anyway, you said you were in college?" Josh asked feeling his hands go clammy. Tyler smirked again.

"Tuitions have to get paid somehow officer." he said swiftly and Josh ran a hand through his curly hair.

"Then why don't you just get a day job like a normal kid, you like getting fucked day in and day out like some kind of whore?" Josh asked smirking. Tyler felt his chest tighten up and he let out a nervous laugh.

"So what if I do? At least I get a good fuck every night, I bet you can't even satisfy your partner" Tyler fought. "Of course I can" Josh scoffed. "Why is it your business anyway" he added. Tyler looked at him dead in the eye.

"Prove it" he whispered, not breaking eye contact. Josh visually stiffened up, wondering if Tyler meant what Josh thought he meant.

Tyler stood up from his chair and leaned forward, resting his arms on either side of Josh.

"Prove that you could be a good fuck" he said quietly. "Pa-pardon?" Josh asked. He gasped out of surprise when Tyler grabbed him by his tie and pulled him closer so their faces were inches apart.

"You heard me, sir" he whispered. And that's when Josh pulled away from his touch, the one thing he hated most was disrespect. Josh sat back in his chair slightly flustered.

"You're giving me a lot of lip for someone in your situation" Josh said flatly and Tyler straightened up, swaying his hips.

"Well sir, I wouldn't be doing much talking if my lips were around your dick" he said innocently and Josh clenched his fists in anger.

"You've got a lot of nerve"
(a/n: If you get this reference I love you)
Josh said gritting his teeth.

"You may be good at catching prostitutes, but you're awfully soft when you get them in your office, sir, why is that" Tyler said raising his eyebrows. Josh had enough. He grabbed Tyler by the collar and pushed him up against the wall. Tyler let out a whimper, not expecting Josh to be so rough.

Josh pressed his body against Tyler and Tyler started to grind his hips. Josh squeezed them roughly causing Tyler's actions to be halted.

"Oh Tyler, now you're going to really know what a good fuck feels like"

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