"Shut Up"

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a/n: this is why i'm taking a break, i'm running out of ideas, and this is shorter than me wow (like two people will get that joke)

"Tyler! Stop being so unreasonable please." Josh said closing his eyes and sighing. "It's not my fault, I'm sorry okay, it's not going to happen again!" Josh added looking at his best friend. "You said that the last time." Tyler answered with hurt in his eyes. "Yeah well, maybe there's a reason I'm getting drunk all the time!" Josh said louder this time and then automatically regretting it. Tyler's eyes widen. "Josh. What has been going on with you lately? Please, I'm just trying to help you, I only got mad because it's the second time you've missed practice, I really think we're going to make it big one day but not if you don't show up." Tyler said, any traces of anger in his body had been replaced with guilt and worry for his friend. "I-I can't." Josh whispered barely audible. Tyler furrowed his eyebrows. "You can't what?" Tyler asked quietly. "I can't do- I can't do this." Josh said before running out of the room. Tyler contemplated running after Josh, but decided it would be pointless since he knew Josh wouldn't tell him what's really wrong, Tyler sighed and kept his eyes on the door his friend just ran through, he needed some answers.

Josh however, didn't feel like telling Tyler the truth; the truth that Tyler is the reason for Josh's sudden addiction to alcohol, Tyler is the reason that Josh hasn't been himself, yet he's the reason that Josh has finally figured out who he himself is. He's the reason Josh has fallen in love.

"Tyler, I'm sorry." Josh said, looking sadly at his friend who was wearing a pained expression. "I just can't tell you, I love you man, more than you'll ever know but telling you what's wrong isn't worth losing you." He added, playing with his hands and keeping his eyes firmly on the ground. Tyler didn't know what Josh really meant when he told him he loved him.

"Josh I'm worried, it doesn't matter to me, not in anyway, all I want to know is what's wrong!" Tyler asked, getting tired of Josh's lack of answers. "Ple-" Tyler added, but got cutoff.

"Shut up, please just stop asking and just shut up!" Josh exclaimed, Tyler flinched, Josh never raised his voice. "Make me!" Tyler said back, not taking no for an answer this time. Josh clenched his fists, it was now or never. "Fine then!" Josh said, taking Tyler's face in his hands and connecting their lips. Within seconds, Josh felt Tyler kiss him back, surprised he raised his eyebrows but didn't pull away.

What felt like hours later, Tyler pulled away, and with swollen lips he grinned giddily at Josh. Josh opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. "Well, that was ahem, something," Tyler smirked, Josh nodded, "I-I guess nows time to tell you what's wrong," Josh stuttered out, "I t-think I'm in l-love with you." He added soon after. Tyler smiled shyly, "good." He said quietly. "I love you too," he replied. Josh shook his head, if only he had told Tyler sooner.

my other stories will still be update so go read them, but for now this is it with the Joshler One shots.

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