Happy birthday (Part 1)

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a/n: there will be two parts to this, also some of this is similar to my relationship with my best friend.

'I just wish it was different' Josh said sadly. 'Me too' Tyler sighed. 'But I promise, no matter what people say, I'm going to meet my best friend' Tyler added optimistically. Josh smiled at his friend through the screen, 'definitely' he mumbled quietly.
This exchange was normal for the two boys, they always thought about what it would be like if they got to meet in person, but even after years of friendship, it still hadn't happened. The distance between them was such a big thing and it upset both boys greatly, but they just had to wait it out.

'Happy birthday Tyler' Josh exclaimed loudly through the phone when he called him on the morning of his birthday. Tyler laughed, 'every year?' he questioned. 'Yes, because for every year I'm not there to spend it with you I make sure I'm the first person you actually talk too' Josh replied with a smile in his voice. 'Thank you Josh and I love you for it, but mate it's 12am, I always say this but please let me sleep' Tyler said and yawned seconds after. 'Yeah yeah, go back to sleep, I have a surprise for you too' Josh said quickly. 'What do you me-' Tyler began, but got cut off as Josh hung up the phone. Tyler forgot about it and decided to go back to sleep unknown to what events were going to happen hours later.

Tyler hopped out of bed and ran down the stairs excitedly, anxious to see what was going to happen. But disappointment crossed his face when he got downstairs to be met with an empty house. Nothing but a note left from his family. 'Sorry Ty, we had business to attend to, we should be home at 3 so keep yourself busy until then, love you - your family. Tyler sighed loudly, 'well happy birthday to me' he said to himself. Tyler sat down and began to eat his breakfast when he remembered about Josh's surprise for him, curious as to what it was Tyler texted Josh to see would he give him any hints to what it was. That's when he noticed a message from Josh,
'received at 3:53am'
'that's weird' Tyler thought to himself.
'Tyler, your surprise should arrive at your house at around 3 your time, don't bother texting me as I won't answer, don't question, just know it will be worth it' Tyler was even more confused. 'What the hell is going on' he said aloud.

'12:48pm' Tyler checked his watch to be what seemed like the 100th time. He decided to do something to distract himself and to waste time, but it wasn't working very well. He had found himself at the park near his house, he sat down on a swing and began thinking about what Josh could be planning. 'Maybe it has something to do with everyone being gone this morning' Tyler thought, but quickly forgot about it as his parents don't trust that Josh is who he says he is. 'Maybe Josh just delivered whatever it is late', which seemed like the most reasonable option. Tyler decided to go with that. '1:21pm' is what his watch read the next time he checked it, Tyler smiled, he was excited to see this surprise and it was all he could think about, he missed talking to Josh though, which is probably why he was so bored. He decided to call him and see if he'd pick up.

He did.

'Hey Tyler, sorry but I don't really have time to talk, I'm at work, but I'll call you as soon as I can' was all Josh said and then hung up. 'Okay bye then' he said to no one. What Tyler thought was weird, is that it didn't sound like Josh was at work, Josh worked at a record shop, and he always had time to talk, but it sounded busy and like there were people talking. Tyler was getting more and more aggravated with what was going on, or more so what wasn't.

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