White Noise

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A/n: it was really late when I wrote this so my brain wasn't really working, it might not make much sense but I'm too lazy to fix it so here it is.

Black clothes. Grey skies. White noise and blank minds.

Josh's death, took everyone by surprise. He was healthy, and happy too. No one could figure out what it was that caused Josh's death, well except for Tyler.

Tyler Joseph, was Josh's fling, one night stand, one time thing, whatever you want to call him; he was the only one he knew.

He knew because he was there the night Josh died, and he also disappeared the day after. Police tried for countless hours, but were always unsuccessful at tracking him down. Absolutely no traces of Tyler Joseph were left in any of the records. It's almost like, he never existed.

Well, that was the thing,

he didn't exist. He was merely a fragment of Josh's imagination. At least he was to other people. But Josh knew, Josh believed he was real, which is the reason he's dead.


Josh slowly climbed down from his position on the roof of his house. Tyler made him, he was afraid Josh would fall and hurt himself.

Josh hopped down and landed on his feet next to Tyler. He smiled and Tyler opened his mouth to say something, but got interrupted by the sound of Josh's sister calling him.

She walked out of the house and saw Josh looking at the empty space beside him, she sighed deeply and closed her eyes. "C'mon Josh, it's time to go to your therapist. Moms waiting in the car for you" she said now opening her eyes to come face with a now sad looking Josh. He nodded his head, knowing he had no other choice but to go.

"He's here right now isn't he?" Josh's therapist asked him, looking up from his clipboard and looking into Josh's eyes. "Of course I'm here" Tyler scoffed and Josh smiled. The therapist didn't have to wait for Josh's reply, as he already knew the answer was yes.
"So, how are you?" he asked Josh changing the subject. Josh shrugged before slowly stating, "I'm okay, I've been better, but Tyler helps me"

"Helps you what?"

"Stay alive."


Isn't it ironic, how that was the last thing Joshua Dun had ever told his therapist. And he now should be getting and invite to Josh's funeral sometime soon.

Josh wasn't the only one of the two Sure enough, no one besides Josh could see Tyler, but all the time Tyler felt like all eyes were on him. He knew that couldn't be though, as the only person he allowed to see him was Josh. Using this to his advantage, Tyler could people watch, and not get caught. Sometimes Josh would ask why Tyler never really spoke unless spoken to, but he didn't question it. But it was fear of saying the wrong thing, or messing up his relationship with the one person he loved. Josh that was, of course.

Maybe that's why the day of his funeral, Tyler finally allowed himself to be seen by others, he didn't want to be alone, and he didn't want people to think Josh had died a crazy person.

So when Tyler Joseph, made a speech at Josh's funeral. Many were confused, most people hadn't known about him, but some did. And Tyler knew straight away by their facial expressions who those people were that knew. So when he spoke, he spoke directly to them specific people. Wanting to make sure they knew what really happened to Josh and how he died.

"H-hi, I'm Tyler Jos-eph This is new, for me, so please, excuse my st-stuttering and nervousness" Tyler began, noticing all eyes really were on him, for the first time.

"You're a-all, probably wondering who I am, or why I'm here. We can get to that later, first of all. I want to talk about Josh.

Joshua William Dun, was the only person who knew me. No o-ne else in this room has ever come across me in their life time. And that for me, is, is a big thing. Because I was the one person there when he died.

How this situation has become of us, is unknown to most of y-ou so I'm going to explain.
Josh was found December 1st, dead in his bedroom, with no sign of any physical damage, and with his perfect health, it couldn't have been anything to do with that. So how it is he died you ask? Well, Josh and I are very similar.

This won't make sense to most, in fact all, but I'm not real.

I'm merely just, the person who died, a year before Josh on the same date, same state, same way. No cause of death. And that is how it's going to stay. Josh now, will become like me, and the person from his past he chooses to talk to, and befriend, they're the next victim. And if they're lucky enough to believe, they die.

You're probably wondering and yes, I am somebody of Josh's past. But that isn't an appropriate topic for this situation

You see, us beings you could say, we're neither alive nor dead. Just purely, a thing, that makes white noise. " Tyler finished, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand and walking slowly out the doors. And disappearing.

It was his time to go, he'd done his job. Josh was gone, and Tyler's time had passed. But he was glad he spent it with Josh.

Even after knowing the consequences of believing in Tyler, Josh still wanted to. Josh died for him.

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