Sober thoughts?

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a/n: sorry this is late, i may or may not have procrastinated on writing this. I'll post again Monday.

Josh was annoyed. Well, he wasn't full out annoyed, just a little ticked off. He'd been trying not to drink just so he could make sure Tyler didn't go overboard. He failed that mission, and he's now standing in the corner with his arms crossed looking around the room for his friend.

It was the night before the final show of tour. All the crew, Josh and Tyler included, decided it would be a good idea to go out and celebrate. Josh didn't particularly want to, he knew he'd end up being the only somewhat sober one, but Tyler begged him to go and he couldn't say no.

There Josh was standing alone in some club, almost completely sober looking for Tyler who had disappeared off to god knows where, probably dancing in a crowd or at the bar.

Slowly moving from the corner to the other side of the room, Josh slips past people, his eyes scanning the large swarm of people on the dance floor. He reaches the bar but he still can't see Tyler anywhere. Josh leans o the counter, brushing a loose strand of hair from his eyes.

He jumps a little when he feels a body pressed against his back and arms go around his neck. Glancing to his left he notices a familiar tattoo.

"Tyler, where have you been I've been looking everywhere for you?" Josh asks. Tyler doesn't respond. "What are you doing?" he questions again when he attempts to turn around but Tyler holds him in place. He feels as Tyler moves his head so his mouth is right next to his ear.

"Come dance with me Josh" Tyler whispers. It sounds almost seductive, Josh brushes it off as it's nothing more than the liquor messing with his band mates mind.

"Tyler, you're drunk. I'm not going to dance with you" Josh sighs, and Tyler unwraps his arms from his neck. Josh finally turns around and is met by Tyler smirking seductively.

"C'mon, you know you want to" Tyler said. Josh could admit it, he did want to. He really wanted to, but he wasn't sure if it was the thoughts of sober Tyler projected through drunk Tyler or if it was just entirely from the alcohol. It was even harder to deny Tyler when he was wearing a smirk like that. But he didn't want to make the wrong call and have Tyler remember Josh made a conduits decision to dance with him even though he was piss drunk. So he laughed softly and shook his head.

"Yes Tyler, I do want too. But I can't because yore drunk and I'm sober and I still have morals"

Tyler stars pouring and grabs Josh's hands. "Pleaseee"

"No Tyler"

"How about please with a cherry on top?"

"Tyler..." Josh sighs and Tyler starts walking backwards pulling Josh onto the dance floor. He only manages to make it a few steps before he trips over his own feet and is falling on the ground, pulling Josh down with him.

Landing with hands on either side of Tyler, his face inches above his, Josh blushes and quickly stands up pulling his best friend with him.

"Okay I think it's time to go back to the hotel" Josh says pulling Tyler towards the exit, earning noises of protest. Tyler tried to fee himself of Josh's grasp, so Josh quickly turns around, pulling their hands up to his chest and gets really close to Tyler's face.

"Tyler, if you stop struggling, we can watch a movie when we get back to the hotel." Tyler's face lights up at this and stars grinning

"Can we cuddle too?"

Josh sighs hanging his head but smiling. He looks back up at Tyler before nodding. "Yes Tyler, we can cuddle too."

Letting out a shout of victory, Tyler pumps his fist into the air and Josh rolls his eyes, pulling him towards the exit again but this time with no fighting.

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