My Dearest Tyler

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a/n: i hope you enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing it.

Josh was staring blankly at the ceiling, the white washed walls that surrounded him depriving him of his senses. The silence was almost deafening, the lack of color drove him to the brink of insanity.

"Josh?" his boyfriend of two years called out. Who's hair was the color of chocolate, with matching eyes. He was different from the others, he was the light to Josh's dark... well, he was until he left him.

Josh shook his head, his pink curls on his head fanning over his face.

He knew the voice he'd heard wasn't real, because if it was he wouldn't be torturing himself of sensory deprivation.

"He's gone" the poor voice inside Josh's head spoke.

Josh closed his eyes, tears no longer falling at the water in his tear ducts were long gone, dehydrated from all the crying he'd been doing for the past two weeks.

Two weeks ago, the day Tyler had died in a car crash, leaving Josh to blame himself for it.

"I should've picked him up!" that uber driver was carelss! He didn't even give a damn about how precious his cargo, my baby boy, was.

As dry as his eyes were, tears slowly began to fall, down his cheeks, with his eyes puffy.

As Josh opened his tired eyes again, a scented envelope was in the air, probably the wind from his open bedroom windows fault.

"To my dearest Joshua, I love you with all my heart. Sorry I had to work late on your birthday babe, you know how much of a stuck up b-word my boss is. Anyways my gift is under the bed, I'm not sure if you'll like it but I hope you do.

P.s Happy birthday Dog-breath, I love you baby.

Love, Tyler."

Tears were now violently falling from Joshua's eyes. How could he have let his most prized possession be handled by such a careless, inconsiderate, pig of an uber driver.

He made his way back to the king sized bed that he and his now dead boyfriend once shared not too long ago, and crouched down to reach for a tiny box hidden underneath it.

He opened the box cautiously, to come face with

"A book?"

Josh confused, opened it. The realisation hit soon after. This was it, this was the book Tyler had been writing in for the past two years.

Josh slowly opened this book with great care, his grip gentle as he didn't want to crease the spine of the soft covered book Tyler personally wrote for him.

"To my dearest Joshua."

Josh turned the page, "read one page per day up until your birthday next year" it said.

So that's exactly what Josh did.

Everyday, his heart racing, his hands itching to find out what Tyler had wrote for him. Josh was slowly getting back onto his feet and was starting to recover from "him."

Every single word, Josh enjoyed, not a single one had been neglected.

Currently walking on the streets of Colombus, Ohio, reading the very last page of the book, meaning it was his birthday, Josh bumped into someone.

A brunette, with doe-like eyes, his lips plump, and cotton candy pink, all c-major sweet, with his teeth crooked but nonetheless perfectly imperfect.

Josh was taken aback by the beauty that stood before him.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going" Josh quickly apologised as he retrieved the items the man in front of him had dropped.

"It's okay, I wasn't either." he shrugged casually.

"Say, I know this is strange but, may I ask your name? So I can know what an ethereal being such as yourself is called?" Josh's words gliding off his tongue all sweet and smooth.

"Gee, it looks like I've stumbled upon a poet, my names Tyler."

Josh mentally froze, his heart suddenly building a wall faster than what Donald Trump planned to build over the Mexican border.

He was closing himself again but his brain mentally slapped himself to try and get it together.

"Um. Joshua, or Josh, Josh dun.

"Well, nice to meet you Josh, I was about to go down the the cafe down town, if you're not busy, keep me company?" Tyler asked with polite and glassed eyes.

Josh was in a state of utter turmoil, he thought he could never bring himself to love again, yet here he is; talking to another boy named and looking exactly like his deceased ex.

It almost seemed like Tyler, his ex, had all this planned from the start.

"I love you Tyler Joseph, you may be up there in heaven but you still look out for me as if you're right here beside me" Josh whispered quietly to himself as he went to approach the new boy also named Tyler.

Josh never thought he'd ever find anyone to come near to Tyler, believe me there is no one who will replace him, but his heart is big enough to make room for another Tyler, his new boyfriend.

My, my, this world we dwell in is eccentric.

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