Stage Fright

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a/n: this is so messy, and rushed i'm sorry.

Tyler started sweating, the paper he held in his hands was rolled up and crinkled. He nervously stood up on the podium, his tie tightening with every breath he took, he cleared his throat began the final speech he'd ever make in high school.

The crowd clapped enthusiastically for Tyler, he gave a weak smile and stalked off the stage shaking. Adults gave Tyler their congratulations and he thanked them walking towards the makeshift bar. He waited for the bartender to notice him, he was too awkward to call for him.

"One pepsi please." Tyler asked smiling, the bartender nodded and Tyler sat on a chair next to the table, watching everyone as they smiled and hugged all their sons and daughters and congratulated them on finishing high school. Tyler sighed quietly, he wished his parents could see him now. But they couldn't.

Tyler's thoughts were interrupted when the bartender placed his pepsi in front of him, Tyler thanked him and picked up the glass. The coolness tingled in Tyler's warm hands, he brought the glass to his lips, but not before someone got the chance to bump into him almost causing him to spill it.

Tyler turned around to look at the person who bumped into him and came faced with a boy he didn't recognise. He had dark brown hair, and a nose piercing.

"Sorry man, are you alright?" The unfamiliar boy asked Tyler staring into his eyes. Tyler's voice had seemed to disappear so he just nodded looking dazed. "Are you sure, you're really flushed?" The boy asked again. Tyler snapped back into reality just in time t answer the boy, "yeah, just a little hot." He said plastering a smile onto his face. "Just a little hot? You're really fucking hot!" The boy said laughing.

Tyler's face turned an even darker shade of red and the boy turned to get a drink from the bar. "I'm Josh by the way." The boy now known as Josh said as he turned back around after ordering. "Tyler." He replied. "Hmm, Tyler." Josh responded, and then scanned Tyler's face, "it suits you." He added with a smile. Tyler didn't know what to say so he just nodded.

Josh grabbed his drink and sat next to Tyler. Tyler smiled and looked down at his glass, he eyed Josh and he was amazed, his side profile was beautiful.

"Hey Josh, how come I've never seen you around before?" Tyler said, his confidence growing. "I don't live around here, my parents were visiting friends and we've somehow ended up here." He said, "not that I mind though." He mumbled quietly under his breath. Tyler's eyes lit up, knowing he wasn't supposed to hear that. "Lets go somewhere and actually talk properly?" Josh asked standing up and holding out his hand, signalling Tyler to take it. Tyler smiled and nodded, he found himself trusting Josh even if they had just met.

"So how do you think you're going to be in a band if you have stage fright?" Josh asked Tyler raising his eyebrows. Tyler sighed, that was the one reason he had put his dreams on hold, he was too afraid. "Josh I really don't know, music is my passion but I can't be in a band and not play shows, besides, I don't even have a band yet, none of my friends can play any instruments." Tyler replied sadly, "what about me?" Josh said smiling hopefully, "what do you mean?" Tyler asked as he sat down next to Josh on the park bench a few minutes walk away from the school in which they had just been.

"But you don't live around here, right? How would we practice? I don't really know Josh, I'm sorry." Tyler said grimacing. He really felt bad, as much as he had come to like Josh in the short time they knew each other, he didn't know if it was worth saying no to anyone else who could be in the band. Josh just nodded, but he knew he'd get Tyler to agree eventually.

And he did, Josh convinced Tyler to just let Josh audition, and as they grew to be closer, Tyler wondered why he didn't just say yes to Josh in the first place.

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