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a/n: i know it's short, i'm sorry, i didn't know how to continue so i just left it.

"C'mon Josh! You can do it" I said enthusiastically. With his hands behind his head, Josh took a deep breath.

"T-ty-ler" he stuttered looking at the ground. I smiled widely. "Look at me Josh, you did great" I said tilting his head up so he was looking into my eyes. His eyes looked lifeless and he looked ashamed. Due to his speech impediment, Josh was a selective mute, the worst he had was a mild, moderate if even stutter. He hated speaking with a passion, but whenever I was around, he always wanted to practice, he seemed even somewhat comfortable with himself.

"No it wasn't Tyler, I screwed up!" he signed, throwing his hands up out of frustration. "Josh, you did your best and that's all you can do. You're getting so much better" I said and he frowned.

I placed my hand on his knee to comfort him and he blushed. "Josh you are so much more than what those kids in high school used to call you, you're Josh Dun, the worlds greatest drummer and the worlds best friend" I said lowly. He sighed and took a deep breath placing his hands behind his head like he did earlier.

"I l-lo-ve you T-tyler" he rushed out, gasping for air and my head shot up like a deer in headlights. He grabbed my hand and placed a small kiss to it. "I-i lo-ve y-you T-yler Jo-seph" he stuttered once again and I looked into his eyes, but this time he was smiling. "Josh, do you really? Are you sure?" I asked and he embraced me in his arms laying his head down on my shoulder. "Josh why are you even talking in the first place? You hate talking?" I said trying to change the subject. "I-i'm talki-ng ca-use y-you lik-e wh-en I t-talk, I'm doin-g t-this fo-r y-you" he said sucking in a deep breath when he finally got the sentence out. I smiled widely. This time, it was my turn to stutter, "I love y-you too, Josh"

He embraced me once again, it didn't last long because I pulled away and looking into his eyes I kissed him. "I'm so proud of you Josh" I said resting my forehead against his. "T-tha-nk yo-u" he smiled.

"T-tyler!" Josh called out. "Yeah?" I shouted to the boy downstairs. "C-come he-lp me" He said louder this time. I got downstairs and I smiled at the sight. Josh had made dinner for us. Well, "T-aco bell" He said smiling. "I k-know t-hat it's y-our fav-favourite." I nodded. "Thank you" I said walking over to him and kissing him lightly. "What did you need help with?" I asked remembering the reason I came down. "N-nothing, I lied." He said laughing. I rolled my eyes playfully and sat down in the seat next to him.

Joshler One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now