Happy Birthday (Part 2)

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a/n: i did this because it's tyler's birthday today. he's such an old man lmao bye.

'2:11' Tyler sighed, he walked back home and wasted some time at the store, but since he left the store no time has seemed to pass at all, and there was still 49 minutes left until his family even arrived home from wherever they were. Tyler was disappointed, he hadn't talked to anyone besides Josh, it was supposed to be an exciting day for him and it was far from it. At least it was as far as he knew.

Tyler sat alone in his room, nothing but the noise of the clock ticking could be heard. The silence was hard for him, he decided to distract himself so he took out his ukulele. The dust from it made Tyler grimace, the last time he played his ukulele was before his brother Jay died. He shook the memory from his head and remembered he was supposed to be happy.

2:48pm. This made Tyler smile, he was excited to see what Josh had done, and his family of course. But mostly Josh.

Tyler's family all arrived in at exactly 3:01pm. His mom was the first to greet him followed by the his dad and siblings. But not one of them wished him a happy birthday, which he didn't question but just went with it anyway. Each of them had excited expressions on their faces but unknown to Tyler why. There was a knock at the door and Tyler ran to get it, but his mom got there first, he couldn't see who it was so he went back into the kitchen where everyone else was. Then he got a text, from Josh. Tyler opened his phone as quick as possible 'go outside your house' it read. Confused, Tyler looked up from his phone and noticed everyone had left, he walked outside and gasped. There stood his family, and next to them, his best friend. 'JOSH' Tyler exclaimed loudly. 'TYLER' Josh said right back. Tyler stood there not knowing what to do. He felt Josh's arms around him and he quickly reacted. Tyler started crying into Josh's shoulder. 'Ty, what's wrong' Josh asked with a worried expression. 'It's really you' He sobbed. Josh smiled 'it really is' he replied smiling widely. 'Oh and happy birthday' he added. Tyler mumbled something that Josh couldn't understand. 'What?' Josh asked. 'I love you' Tyler said clearer this time. 'I love you too Ty' Josh said without hesitation. A chorus of 'Awh's' could be heard. Tyler's head snapped up, he had completely forgotten his whole family was there, who had also happened to catch that whole thing. 'Happy Birthday!' they all said. Tyler had a confused expression on his face. 'I told you I wanted to be the first person to tell you happy birthday. And this time for real' Josh whispered to Tyler. Tyler then realised his whole family had been in on it. Tyler pulled away from Josh's grasp and walked over to his mom and dad. 'Thank you guys so much' he hugged them both. 'It was mostly Josh' his mom said to him. Tyler smiled. He walked back over to Josh and just stared at him for a moment. Josh didn't question it as he did the same to Tyler.

'You just got here and I never want you to leave' Tyler said quietly to the boy who was sat on his bed next to him. 'Tyler we have two weeks, don't think about that now' Josh said taking moving his legs so they tangled with Tyler's. 'Okay' Tyler said enjoying the physical contact they shared. 'Can you do something for me?' Josh questioned after a few moments of silence. 'Anything' Tyler replied instantly. Josh smiled at his reply. 'Play me something on your ukulele' Josh asked hopefully. Tyler nodded. Josh clapped his hands like a little kid. 'Yay' he said happily. Tyler chuckled. 'What do you want me to play?' Tyler asked after making sure it was tuned. He didn't even think about the last time he had played in front of someone because it just brought up bad memories. 'Whatever comes to mind' Josh said moving over so Tyler had more space. Tyler began to sing. 'Wise man say...' He said slowly.

Tyler strummed the final note and looked up at Josh. 'It's true you know' Tyler said looking Josh in the eye. 'I'm falling madly in love with you Josh and I can't help it' he added. Josh bit his lip and leaned over next to Tyler and kissed him. 'I already have fallen madly in love with you' he said faintly. Tyler smiled. 'Best birthday ever' he mumbled to himself and kissed Josh again.

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