Never again

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They fell in love the way you light a candle.

A glance, a flicker, and once it's ignited, passionate, loud, hot and spectacular.

Breathing heavily, they collapsed back onto the sheets. There was nothing to be heard in the room except panting and the creak of the bed when Josh would tenderly hold Tyler to his chest, the only moments he showed true love.

Tyler snuggled against Josh's chest, but not too close, if he came too close, Josh would run away. Tyler didn't want that.

The next day Tyler waited patiently in the bedroom. The house was perfect and spotlessly clean, and there was food fixed and set on the counter. The slamming of the front door signalled Josh's arrive, Tyler closed his eyes briefly, knowing Josh was mostly likely drunk.


He remained still, the door creaked open and Tyler looked around with slightly blurry vision before his eyes settled on the older boy.

"There you are," Josh slurred, making his way unsteadily toward the bed.

Tyler rose slowly, the sheets fell away exposing his scarred chest. 'How could I scar such a beautiful chest?' Josh thought. Tyler gave him a small, gentle smile, as though he knew Josh's thoughts and guilt.

This angered him, not Tyler, but the true target of his rage was himself. However, a drunk and angry Josh was not good.

Next thing he knew, his fist was slamming into Tyler's chest, who wheezed.

In spite of all his intoxication and fury, Josh could never bring himself to mar Tyler's beautiful face. He didn't deserve Tyler, he never did, yet Tyler stayed. No matter how hard Josh tried to get him to leave.

Even though his chest burned and he could barely breathe, Tyler held out his arms. He'd always been there for Josh, with open arms and a smile. Josh collapsed against him, sobs wracking his body.
How could he hurt something so precious, so beautiful? Tyler needed to be protected, not beaten in every which way. What was wrong his Josh, why couldn't he stop?

And yet, Tyler kept on smiling, he had always loved Josh. And nothing he did would make him love Josh less. His smile showed forgiveness, and unconditional love for the sobbing boy with anger issues.

Josh studied Tyler's face, with tears streaming down his own. "I'm so sorry baby," he whispered as he reached his hand up to touch Tyler's mouth. "So so sorry."

Tyler pressed a soft kiss onto Josh's lips. "It's alright." Tyler replied, "I know you didn't mean to."

Josh pressed further into the kiss, needed to taste Tyler, needed to know he was there and he wasn't going anywhere. And he needed Tyler to know he was special to him in a way no one else was or ever would be.

Josh slowly began leaning down and started to kiss everywhere he had ever hurt Tyler. His chest, neck,  collarbones, stomach, thighs and everywhere else. He showed him love from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. And yet that wasn't enough. He needed to express himself more, to let Tyler know he truly was sorry.

Josh made his way back up to Tyler's mouth, kissing him lightly, but full of passion.

"I love you." Josh whispered leaning his forehead against Tyler's.

Tyler smiled widely, of course they had exchanged those three words before, but for some reason, it felt like the first time they ever had. He felt emotion in the way Josh spoke.

"I love you too." Tyler replied staring into Josh's eyes.

"I'm never going to be able to tell you how sorry I am, but I want you to know there's a million ways I'm going to prove to you how much I love you." Josh said his eyes glistening with tears.

Tyler said nothing, he placed his lips back on Josh's.

Josh pulled away after some time, placing his hands on either side of Tyler's face.

"Never again." he promised.

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